Why don't husbands and wives study? Husbands and wives rarely, if ever, study the Bible together. They go to church together; they may pray at the table and when confronted with this fact Mary and I decided to study the bible together using principles from loveisrael.org. Notice I said principles. Not formulas. How did it affect you? So, what happened Ric? This podcast shares our struggles, with each other and how the power of God came into our lives to deal with sin, heal past hurts, grow us up and literally the lessons being learned by the people in Exodus, we were learning! How is this possible? Because it is a book from God. This is His creation thus His house and His rules. The highest call in our life is to reflect His glory and His plans and purposes to the world. We are alive for only a few years, never knowing when we will leave this planet. Let us make it count by studying His word to obey it! The Presence of God will come in a powerful way and a life you have never thought existed as a Christian is upon us. Persecution? And by the way. You will be opposed by distractions, other Christians and family. Exactly like Christ. Hold on to Him as your life is about to change. Join Ric and Mary Joyner in Podcast for Pewsitters as we discuss the power of studying God’s word as husband and wife.