We explore the area where Jesus had His ministry in the northern areas of Israel. But we head down to Jerusalem and explore biblical sites. We explore David's tomb, the valleys around Jerusalem and Dr. Baruch's teaching. We realize that the Bible is real history and God has an agenda which He will share with us if we are interested. We saw David's tomb, the pool of Bethesda, and the actual place where Pontius Pilate rendered judgment on Christ. There was not a dry eye in the place. Very moving emotionally. He died a criminal’s death because we are criminals before God because this world is His Creation and we are His creation and we break His law. We are made to serve Him. We sin, and He saves us!
Dr. Baruch showed various places in Jerusalem where the Gospel stories happened and the lessons they have to teach us. Will we learn? Join us for Podcast for Pewsitters! Don’t forget to support us. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=meYPTyJOhCF6iBsn-oTofpYXpd60WtDKVLBhUP1cse6wzjlqmIHSuDyw1xZUKHjtbiKIbm&country.x=US&locale.x=US