cover of episode Exodus Chapter 2 Part 6 Sitting at the well

Exodus Chapter 2 Part 6 Sitting at the well

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Bible Study Company: Podcast for Pewsitters

Shownotes Transcript

Moses flees Egypt. He stood up to the Egyptians and the situation turned for the worse. He fled to Midian and sat down by the well. There is another famous biblical story of someone sitting at a well. In John 4, Christ sat down by the well to discuss, of all things, worship with the “woman at the well”. Worship of our Creator is the highest purpose of man. We worship God by sitting down from our own efforts. Obedience to God reflects service in all areas of our life. We live by His Word. Sitting at the well is a podcast about giving up our effort and becoming dependent on God. Moses effort to save the Israelites ended him running for his life. Next scene is at the well where Moses is sitting down. He gave up his effort. And while scripture doesn’t say what Moses was thinking or feeling, we know that worship is a picture of sitting at the well. How do we know? There was another famous “sit down” at a well and it is in the New Testament. In John 4, Christ sat down by the well and discussed worship of God with a woman. The parallels between the two stories are remarkable. We know that Moses was a type of Christ! Why is the well a metaphor for worship? Taking our effort, our worries, our fears, our running and give them up at the well, we need to dig deep by lowering the bucket to the refreshing water. Christ is our refreshing water. We worship our Creator, knowing our lives have ALWAYS been in His hands. Worship leads to service. Join Ric and Mary joyner for sitting at the well.