cover of episode Exodus Chapter 2 Part 1 God cares about every detail of our lives.

Exodus Chapter 2 Part 1 God cares about every detail of our lives.

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Bible Study Company: Podcast for Pewsitters

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Chapter 2 Part 1 has several moving parts. A Marriage, the birth of Moses, saving of Moses and after Moses grows up he kills an Egyptian. This story is a factual narrative. A type of literature that leaves out many details of the person's life but just presents the facts. Almost like a checklist. But then we are left to fill in the blanks. The "blanks" are what our focus will be because God has many truths to teach us in the lives of people. Keep in the back of your mind that you are part of the story because your story is being written now. We don't see the end of our story, but God does. What is profound about the story in Chapter 2 is that the "heat turns up" on the Hebrews as the time for deliverance approaches. Who is doing the oppressing and what are the results? We should ask questions like: "If You love us, Lord why are we suffering"? How do we get through suffering? Can we "lean into" God when we are suffering?

Let's listen to Ric and Mary Joyner discussing chapter 2 part 1.

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