“Ok Ric and Mary, what lamb are you referring to?” Great question because we see several situations that tell us a story about sacrifice and covering sin. Background: Scripture says: “The soul that sins shall die.” Ez 18:20 and “The wages of sin is death…” Romans 6:23. These two scriptures sum up what happened in the garden of Eden with Man. Adam and Eve decided to depend on themselves rather than God. They chose to break God’s law, and this is an excellent definition of sin; ‘dependence on ourselves.’
Another aspect to consider is that Man was made to serve and worship God. God’s ultimate plan is to dwell with man. The garden was created for God to live with man, and so were the sanctuary and the temple. Thus, being made servants, we are to act accordingly by serving and worshipping God in all we are, do and say. Christ was our example by setting aside His will to do the will of God. In the garden, when God saw Man had sinned, God, Himself took an animal and “covered” their nakedness and made them clothes. The animal died in their place. Through Adam and Eve, we were born into sin.
As Exodus 2 opens, the Hebrews are in brutal slavery in Egypt which is a picture of the world system and Satan’s kingdom. Our desires run to a world system which is always tempting us to worship other gods and even to serve ourselves. Read Psalm 78 for an overview of the nation of Israel. The story and failure is a picture of us. Christ warned us of enslavement to sin in John 8:31-36. During this Passover season, it behooves us to ask the Holy Spirit to examine our lives for hidden sin and idolatry.
The Hebrews were instructed to kill a lamb so that death would Passover them. Christ is our Passover lamb. Then for seven days, they were to remove all leaven from their lives, which is a picture of sin, 1 Cor 5:7. God is teaching us that sin is a separator from God. The presence of God in our lives will reveal sin. Then in Exodus 29, God instructed the priests to sacrifice two one-year-old lambs, one for each morning and evening! God is offering to cover our sin every day! It points to Christ. If we were an Israelite our job was to, by faith, place our sin onto the sacrifice of the lambs. We ask God to cover us and forgive us. We are not to work in religious practices to have our sins hidden but to look toward God and get help from Him. Fast forward to Christ being brutalized and hung on a tree for our sin. John the Baptist called Jesus Christ the lamb of God. John 1:29 “The next day John seeing Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world.”
The torture of Christ was a picture of God’s wrath on OUR sin (let’s make this personal). The lambs were innocent, but the people were not. Christ was sinless and willingly gave Himself for us who are not innocent! Let us deal with sin now during this season of the Passover lamb. Titus 2:11-13 is God 's goal for man. He then gives us the Holy Spirit to empower us away from ungodliness!
During this Passover and Resurrection days, Mary and I will be at the foot of the cross in sincere gratitude to our Savior because we indeed need saving! We desperately want the presence of God in our lives to fellowship with our Creator. Thus, we will trust in Christ’s sacrifice this Passover and Resurrection knowing that sin was dealt with when we believe in Christ. We will also move to eradicate sin in our lives with His help. We end with this verse: Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Join us for this podcast!
Bible Study Company Conference in Cleveland TN July 26, 27. Dr. Baruch Korman of lovesisrael.org will be teaching on how to study the bible to obey God. This is a unique approach. https://biblestudycompany.com/site/events
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