End Times. Do you know the end time timeline? Does Matthew 24 confuse you? Are we in the tribulation or just before? Dr. Baruch explains the events in detail. We attended the Loveisrael.org conference and heard Dr. Baruch speak on Matthew 24:1-44 WITHOUT USING HIS BIBLE? Open bible study company.com to Matthew 24 https://goo.gl/TB5DtT) and study along with us. Take notes and journal. Set concerns in the prayer area.
Have you wondered what the rapture is? The "great falling away"? Dr. Baruch will encourage you and keep you focused on faith in Christ Jesus. Are we lined up with His Kingdom? Or are we living our own agenda? Great trials are coming on the earth and Christ will take us through any situations that are coming in the future. This will help you get a clear understanding of future events.