So what about today? Let's start by asking some questions. The first question we will ask is who and what are we giving our time and listening to? Are you listening to false prophecy? For example, Graham Cooke and Russ Walden start their prophecies with "The Father says", and then include way too many nonsensical adjectives to have any meaning or relevance beyond a guess application to our life, aka these prophecies are similar to horoscopes. Yep, I said it=horoscopes. Seriously, we need to ask ourselves why these people all sound the same, even using the same adjectives? Notice how they are adjectives strung together with no real meaning, and anyone reading the "false prophecy" can fit the profile. Here is an example from Graham Cooke's Lattitude and Indulgence:
"Latitude is the Lord releasing to you a new liberty. For you to explore and extend a new found freedom to be with the Father. The Holy Spirit is going to work with you to develop an ability and an authority that is authentic in your life; for you to come into a new place, a whole new dimension of spirituality and to enable others to press in to that same place. The Lord says to you, there is a fresh season of favor upon each one of you, to go into a deeper place in the Lord." Notice the use of adjectives that literally do not say anything descriptive. Prophetic utterances like this are nowhere in the Bible.
Sad really. But let us ask the question; who is Graham Cooke, Sean Bolz, Kris Vallotton, and Russ Walden that they can speak for God? Yes, speak for the Maker of Heaven and Earth, The One Who Made us, the One Who redeemed us, and the One who desires we submit to His word. The One Who says about Himself, Jer 23:23 "Am I a God who is near," declares the LORD, "And not a God far off?"
Is He so far off that we need to go to a man to get a "word from the Lord?" If this is the case, that He is near to each of us, why would we listen to someone speaking for God when we have the entire Bible OF GOD SPEAKING TO US, and I can pray DIRECTLY TO HIM. Or is it that we don't want to hear from God directly in His Word because it will reveal our sin? BAM. Yeah, let that sink in. These "feel-good word salads" do the opposite by TAKING US AWAY FROM GOD.
Here is what real prophets do the Lord says: Jer 23:22 But if they had stood in My council, Then they would have announced My words to My people, And would have turned them back from their evil way, And from the evil of their deeds.
We should ask ourselves: Is this idolatry? I will submit to you that seeking words from people, other than the Lord, is a form of evil because it is opposed to God's will. Please pray that you are not under a delusion because 2 Thes 2:11 says, "And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie." WOW. That should cause us serious pause. And a turn to the Lord to ask the question, am I deceived? If you are too far in, you will dismiss this blog and video without asking the question. If we are disciples, we will ask.
Jesus said, "do not call anyone Father, or Rabbi but brother." Again, why would we think this person is hearing from God FOR YOU? Why would we put faith into these words, "The Father says,"? Could our pursuit of these so-called prophets of nonsense adjectives be our idolatry? Do we put the same weight of these false words as God's words? Yes, people do! I did when I was younger and saw the damage done to many people by following the imaginations of men or women. And money is involved, which another aspect of Exodus 32.
Let us ask further questions. What about the groups like Bethel that pursue a false form of the gospel called "signs and wonders"? Their focus seems to be on training people to do signs and wonders versus training them to know and understand the Bible. God's word created the universe and thus will change us as well.
Did you know that signs and wonders Christ did were to establish to Jewish people that HE WAS THE CREATOR GOD AND THAT HIS KINGDOM WAS AT HAND? These signs verified WHO HE WAS TO THEM. Bill Johnson will lower Christ to just a spirit-filled man so that you and I have the same power as Christ! Notice the children of Israel lowered God to a golden calf! This is a horrible doctrine!
Our God is the Creator of the Universe. We must treat Him as such. Our face should be on the ground before the cross by placing our sin on Him for taking our punishment. WE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT FEAR OF HIM TO OFFEND HIM. We can then focus on Christ and becoming disciples. Studying God's word means we have a new focus: to live praiseworthy to Him (fleeing sinful lifestyles).
Let's not conform to these words of men. But submit to Christ by the renewing of our minds.
Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Can you be deceived is our original question. Let us also state this principle: Any information we take in and are not critical of it, but accepting, we will indoctrinate ourselves is phase 1 of the enemy's plan to deceive us. Next, which is Phase 2, we will perpetuate the same indoctrination by encouraging and sharing others to be a part of these false words and false teachers. Phase 3 is when you are solid in the indoctrination, that you vehemently disagree with people who share contrary information WITHOUT DOING THE HOMEWORK TO CHECK OUT WHAT THEY ARE SAYING.
Brothers and sisters, please read Exodus 32, Jeremiah 14, and 23 and see how closely these false prophets fit the profile of false. Our hope is we will turn to the objective truth of God's word WHO IS SPEAKING TO US DIRECTLY in the Bible with no need for a man to teach us. 1 John 2:26! We say this so you will not be deceived! Why? We were once deceived by being too trusting. No one speaks for God, But GOD!