Over the course of my walk as a Christian man, one of the things I've struggled with the most is praying in public. I can wander through the corridors of my mind with God nearly endlessly if I'm passionate enough about something to want to talk to Him about it, but when it comes time for that evening meal or to offer up some little thing to say in some other group setting, I find myself reaching for the words to say to make my prayer meaningful.
Fortunately, one of the greatest gifts of the Bible is the format that Jesus gave us to follow in Matthew 6:9-14. Traditionally known as "The Lord's Prayer", it on the surface appears to be a simple little recitation that we can repeat when we want to offer an honest, genuine prayer to God to remind ourselves of who He is and what He wants from us. If you learn to pray in no other way, you can be sure that at the very least if you say these words with honest conviction, you are saying things that are pleasing to God.
This episode is also available as a blog post: https://gunthrek.wordpress.com/2022/05/07/the-power-of-and-organized-prayer/
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