Right to repair heads to the governer's desk in newyork
Binance agrees to buy Voyager's assets
Google traffic at it's highest traddic ever thanks to fifa
Facial recognition used to remove attorey from Rockettes show
Roomba takes pictures of woman in bathroom
Eufy answers to security claims
Elon ways he will step down after poll says no to him as CEO and after finding someone to take his place
Elon jet tracking account returns with jet info 24 hours after it posts
NSFW AI project gets booted from kickstarter
ArtStation strikes back against AI art on it's platform
UK thinks password sharing is illegal
Corsair keyboard bug causes it to type random things
EU is once again warning Meta of antitrust breach
France slaps Microsoft with 60 million Euro fine
a rumored lovelace titan card would be the most rediculace thing yet
Meta pays up to settle Cambridge lawsuit
Nvidia Shield kills game stream feature
EU legislation could force the return of replaceable batteries
Epic games pays out 520 million
This new mechanical keyboard takes RGB to a whole new level with an edge to edge screen