1) What are the best times to take supplements? 2) How can I stay the same weight and still lose body fat? 3) How can I find a boyfriend/girlfriend? 4) How can I make my arms bigger? 5) If you had to pick one – GAA or the gym for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Comment your choice on my instagram) For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to www.briankeanefitness.com) to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 150k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019. Facebook: Brian Keane Fitness Snapchat: briank019 Instagram: brian_keane_fitness YouTube: Brian Keane Fitness Book Recommendations: Poor Charlie’s Almanack – Charlie Munger Flow – Mical Checzimahily