Improv Q+A with Barry from O Sullivan Fitness. 1) If you were stranded on an island and you were allowed 3 books with you, which ones would you choose? 2) Can you explain the prime ingredients to succeeding in your career, goals or life in general> 3) If you could tell the Brian Keaen from 10 years ago two pieces of advice, what would they be and why? Book Recommendations from this episode: Tony Robbins ‘Awaken The Giant Within’ Ryan Holiday ‘The Obstacle is the Way’ Seneca ‘Letters from a Stoic’ Marcus Aurelius ‘Meditations’ Robert Greene ‘Mastery’ For more information about everything fitness, nutrition and mindset- head over to to check out the blog or Brian's Facebook, YouTube and Instagram (which has a combined total of over 100k followers) - thanks for listening. To send in any questions for the podcast or for live Q+A’s, check out my snapchat briank019.