Daniel Davey is a performance nutritionist and author of the No1 best seller “Eat Up and Raise Your Game’ He received his BSc in Science from University College Dublin and holds an MSc in Nutrition, Physical Activity & Public Health from the University of Bristol. His best-selling book and Instagram page is based around simple recipes and meal plans and his new book Eat Up – The Next Level is also available now. Daniel was on episode 292 in August 2020: Daniel Davey on Owning Your Nutrition, The Importance of Dietary Goals and Exploring Your Behaviour Around Food. I highly recommend listening to if you haven’t already. The second podcast was a long time coming with one of my personal favourites. Enjoy. Here are some of the things we talked about in today’s podcast:
Simplifying nutrition with whole real food Recipe solutions for meals through the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas) Building confidence around food choices Healing your food relationship and surviving social exceptions with eating out Lessons he learnt from the top pro athletes when it comes to nutrition and what can be taken for the average person Nutrition around injury and the cutting edge science with it. And much more
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daveynutrition/?hl=en) Linktree: https://linktr.ee/daveynutrition) Website: https://www.daveynutrition.com/) Previous episode: https://briankeanefitness.com/podcast/292-daniel-davey-on-owning-your-nutrition-the-importance-of-dietary-goals-and-exploring-your-behavior-around-food/)