Rachel is a Nutrigenomic Dietitian & University Lecturer on a mission to free people from the guesswork around what they should be eating.
She spent years trying to figure out what foods were right for her and ended up feeling totally confused, low in energy, and defeated by the world of wellness.
Listening to self-proclaimed ‘experts’ in the field, she started to cut out many foods she loved and ended up malnourished – she couldn’t have been further away from her goals… to feel full of life with the body of her dreams.
Eleven years have passed, and extensive training and research into Inflammation, Genetics, and Nutrition, provided her with the knowledge to personalise her own diet, according to her DNA.
Rachel has created a framework for her patients to eat The DNA Way® and finally meet their unique requirements.
Here are some of the things we talked about in today’s podcast.
Inflammation and its positive and negative effect on your health and body composition.
High inflammatory diets and the benefits of reducing low grade chronic inflammation
Metabolic impairment and starvation syndrome – the myths and the facts
How to boost your metabolism and the fads that don’t
Alcohol sensitivity and your genes
Drinking alcohol and tips for weight loss
Dairy – who should include it and who should avoid it based on your genetics
Plant based sources of calcium for non dairy consumers
And much more.
Rachel’s Website: https://thednadietitian.co.uk/)
Rachel’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thednadietitian/?hl=en)
Rachel’s LinkTree: https://linkkle.com/thednadietitian)
New Nutrition Course: https://briankeanefitness.com/nutrition-course/)
BKF Online Program: https://briankeanefitness.com/bkf-online/)
GAA Lean Body Program: https://briankeanefitness.com/lean-body-program/)