Today’s podcast is Solo Q+A. All of today’s questions have come in through my Instagram page. Enjoy.
- Surely if you’re dropping body fat, your weight would drop also as a result? 01:50
- Thoughts on body recompositions vs bulk/shred cycles? 13:21
- Thoughts on a ‘treat’ every to keep on track long term? 22:16
- Are you gaining any muscle while running 15km after your workouts? 28:54
- If you weren’t a PT what would your next favorite career be? 33:22
- What were your expectations as a new PT in how successful your business would become? 38:35
- Do you ever get cravings? Chocolate etc. if so how do you handle it? 45:24
- What do you think is the unhealthiest habit in society these days – physical and mental? 54:48
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GAA Lean Body Program: