Dr. Galpin is the creator of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at CSU Fullerton, as well as their Director of Sports Performance. His Ph.D. is in Human Bioenergetics and his master’s degree is in Human Movement Science.
He is also the co-author of book Unplugged: Evolve From Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness Performance and Consciousness and his studies prove that most people don’t fully understand the influence exercise habits, food consumption, and technology usage have on their long-term health performance.
Andy’s Instagram page is one of my personal favorites and his YouTube channel has some of the best videos on exercise physiology that you’ll find anywhere on the Internet.
Some of the things we talked about in today’s episode.
Andy’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drandygalpin/?hl=en)
Andy’s website: http://www.andygalpin.com/)
Andy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAndyGalpin)
Book Unplugged: Evolve From Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness Performance and Consciousness
Brian's Links
Brian's Books Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/BRIANSKEANEBOOKS)
Rewire Your Mindset Seminar https://briankeanefitness.com/product/rewire-your-mindset-seminar/)