cover of episode #229: 10 Life Lessons I Learnt Running Through The Sahara And The Arctic!

#229: 10 Life Lessons I Learnt Running Through The Sahara And The Arctic!

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The Brian Keane Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

 Today’s episode focuses heavily on the mindset side of things. It’s been three months since I ran through the Arctic and just over a year since I ran six back to back marathons in the Sahara Desert. Both of those challenges thought me so much about how to be in other areas of my life. My personal relationships, my business, and my happiness levels are the best they’ve ever been and I put nearly all of it down to the 10 lessons I’ve learned below so I wanted to share them. This is another ‘press record and talk’ video so I hope you enjoy it.




  • You need to break big goals into smaller parts 04:50
  • Pain is temporary and it will go away 11:28
  • You need to build the mental strength slowly every day 18:22
  • All limitations are self-created 25:07
  • Your own worst enemy lives between your two ears 33:01
  • You can’t do things for other people, it needs to be for you and you alone 41:02
  • People put what you do on a pedestal and they shouldn’t! 47:28
  • If you fail to prepare. Prepare to fail. 52:47
  • You can’t give yourself the option to quit or you will take it! 57:53
  • See it, believe it, achieve. Become who you need to be, act like that and wait for reality to catch up. 01:02:11




Episode 198: 8 Critical Habits For Building Mental Toughness:

Episode 148: Marathon Des Sables – Running 250km Through The Sahara Desert


Episode 213: Running 230km Through The Arctic Circle


Brian's Books Can Be Found Here:



Rewire Your Mindset Seminar