这期播客是我的费登奎斯师资培训同学Alex Greene对我的采访,分享了最近的学习和教学心得,费登奎斯方法与神经科学的关系,等等。Alex自己也是自身的身心探索者,在学习费登奎斯之前,已在使用结构整合(structural integration,或Rolfing)、somatic experiencing、TRE等不同的身心流派。我现在也在Alex开创的线上身心平台Red Beard Somatic Therapy教授线上费登奎斯动中觉察课(英文)。详情见:https://redbeardsomatictherapy.com/
- Zhiwei’s journey into Feldenkrais method: mysterious dissolution of pain
- Feldenkrais method is boring and confusing…until suddenly it isn’t
- the change from a Feldenkrais lesson extends to life
- the innate ability to direct your own learning rather than relying on the external feedback
- the common theme behind physics learning and somatic learning
- living a life that relies less on planning: because I can rely on my ability of sensing
- “The case of Nora”: how Moishe Feldenkrias uses neuroscience to analyze a patient
- Contrasting the study of psychophysics and the application of Feldenkrais method
- Mechanical approach of structural integration v.s. neurological learning from Feldenkrais method
- Regaining human dignity by becoming resourceful and spontaneous
- Recent teaching: rock climbing and kinesthetic pleasure
- “Feldenkrais teaches me to love myself”