This episode I'm having a conversation with Indira Rampersad. Among all the identities, she's been a practicing massage therapist in Winnipeg, Canada, with 23 years of experience. Also a practicing meditator in Tibetan Buddism, yoga teacher, and a fellow camping companion when we were doing our Feldenkrais teacher training in Kelowna!
We recorded this episode on a picnic table in the beautiful bear creek provincial park in kelowna, BC.
You can contact her through:
+1 2047728044 Her website (to be updated) is:
Some topics we talked about:
how did you start feldenkrais: comparison with Alexander technique
being involved in multiple relationships with neutrality and spontaneouty, even in sexuality
drawn to feldenkrais: the novelty of movement puzzles and the boost for mood
fundamental similarities between meditation and feldenkrais
8 months of traveling then I decided I want to work with my hand
zhiwei’s concern: does feldenkrais practice make you lazier and less reliable?
how is massage therapy helping and hindering practicing FI (function integration)?
why should you trust feldenkrais method? well, it’s important to be skeptical.