We are in the midst of a very powerful portal right now! The Lions gate portal is a cosmic ascension event and the window is open. It opened on July 26th, and it's a time of amplified acceleration on all levels. This is a cosmic happening that occurs each year from July 26th until August 12th with the peak occurring on 8/8. During this period of time Sirius, the Earth and the sun (in the sign of Leo) line up. Its a time of opening; opening into new cycles – new timelines – new expansive energetic possibilities! It is through the gateway that is represented by the brilliant and brightest star in the sky - Sirius – that LIGHT enters our universe. This is a time of powerful transcendence and transmutation so that we can anchor in these beams and streams of photonic light. We are always creating our reality, but when this portal is open, everything moves faster and with intensified energy. Consciously and actively participating and utilizing this Gateway will multiply our efforts and support them in being realized. This is a time to harness the energy of the cosmic influence that’s here to support us. Life is always happening FOR US, not to us. We have the power, privilege and opportunity to work WITH these cosmic forces to support us on our GRAND COSMIC mission to REALIZE Heaven on Earth!