Will YOU say “yes!” and participate in this accelerated option and path? Gift yourself with this hour long program to relax, release, refresh, rejuvenate, reignite, resonate, re-calibrate, realign, remember, receive, rejoice, recall, renew and allow yourself to radiate with the full brilliancy that you are!The inner alchemy I will speak of involves igniting and nurturing organic sovereignty from withIN while releasing any inorganic, tainted, or illusionary aspects of consciousness that inhibit your true organic state of freedom and sovereignty. This involves releasing and letting go of all distortions and stagnation within you as well as around you.We can actually change the fabric of our reality. This occurs from the inside out. Now is the time to declare and dare yourself to be the divine being you truly are. Just as an architect uses blueprints to create a structure internally, we have blueprints or templates that create the fabric of our lives. The templates for those blueprints can be changed if we so desire to change and upgrade them. There are “soulFULL designing keys” that we can utilize to create new blueprints. During this show, I will remind you of your option to claim yourself as the epic, amazing, energetic architect of your life experience. This claimed state of being is the gateway to the new front tier of consciousness available to us right here now! Join me and lets design your destiny anew; from the inside-out)