cover of episode  Ep. 31 女篮更精彩、午睡是煎熬、名著不读也罢……大胆说出我们与众不同的观点!

Ep. 31 女篮更精彩、午睡是煎熬、名著不读也罢……大胆说出我们与众不同的观点!

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Frances: 我认为洗澡洗头是一种享受,是我一天中最期待的事情。许多人觉得洗澡洗头很麻烦,把它当成一项任务,而不是享受。但我认为,洗澡洗头可以带来丰富的身体触感,让人放松,是一种成本最低的自我疗愈方式。洗冷水澡是否能磨练意志或强身健体,我没有科学依据。 我认为女篮比男篮好看。我从去年开始系统性地观看WNBA,并因此喜欢上一些球员。与NBA相比,WNBA的关注度低,球员收入也低。但2024年,一些女篮运动员的崛起,例如Katelyn Clark和Andrew Rees,带来了更多观众,也提升了WNBA的关注度和媒体转播权价值。我认为篮球这项运动本身,男篮和女篮的可看度不相上下,但女篮的线下物料,例如球员的CP感,以及对传统女性气质的反冲,让女篮更具吸引力。 好小气: 我认为热的东西更好喝。虽然中国人提倡喝热饮,但年轻人更倾向于冷饮。但我认为热饮更能烘托出香气,冷饮会麻痹味蕾。我甚至喜欢喝滚烫的热饮,即使我怕热且容易出汗。 我认为内向的人并不一定不擅长社交,反而可能是更好的朋友。内向的人更能顾及别人的边界,感受别人的情绪,建立更深层次的关系。我与一位外向的系主任聊天时,感受到他高能量的对话让我精疲力尽,这让我反思外向与内向的区别,以及擅长社交的真正含义。 我不习惯睡午觉,宁愿一觉睡到够。从小到大,午睡都是我最尴尬的时间,我宁愿晚点上学早点放学,也不愿在课桌上午休。 我认为没有必要和白男写的经典名著死磕。每个时代的文学作品都反映了那个时代人们的审美,但你的口味不一定与那个时代的人一致。如果读经典名著让你痛苦,没有必要硬着头皮读完。读书应该是快乐的。 我认为照片还是要冲洗出来,而不是只存在于社交媒体。冲洗照片可以帮助我们更好地回顾过去,清晰地感知人生的时间。社交媒体的检索功能混乱,难以长期保存照片。冲洗照片并制作相册,是一个回顾和欣赏的过程。但恋爱相册最好自己保管,避免分手后尴尬。 我不喜欢信息密度大的播客和有门槛的影视作品。信息密度大的播客容易让人产生“很有道理”的错觉,但其内容不一定经得起推敲。有门槛的影视作品会排斥一部分观众,我认为这是一种不好的做法。我认为调查新闻类播客和台北故宫的“公说公有理”才是干货满满的。 我认为写信是一种很好的沟通方式。在清理邮件时,我意外发现了高中时与朋友的通信,这让我感慨万千。社交媒体的交流方式便捷,但缺乏写信时文字中流露出的亲密感和真诚。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Francis enjoy showering and washing hair so much?

Francis finds showering and washing hair to be a form of self-care and relaxation. She enjoys the sensory experiences, such as the feel of water on her skin and the tactile sensations of washing. She views it as a low-cost way to unwind and focus on herself, contrasting with those who see it as a chore.

What is Francis's unpopular opinion about women's basketball?

Francis believes that women's basketball (WNBA) is more enjoyable to watch than men's basketball (NBA). She started watching WNBA in 2023 and appreciates the skill and storytelling in women's games, despite the lower viewership compared to men's basketball. She also highlights the rise in WNBA viewership, which has nearly tripled in recent years.

Why does Francis prefer hot drinks over cold ones?

Francis prefers hot drinks because she believes they enhance the aroma and flavor of beverages like coffee, tea, and milk. She argues that cold drinks can dull the taste buds, making it harder to appreciate the subtle flavors. Despite living in a hot climate, she enjoys the sensory experience of drinking hot beverages.

What is Francis's view on napping?

Francis dislikes napping and prefers to sleep in one long stretch. She finds the idea of being woken up by an alarm for a nap to be unpleasant and believes that a full night's sleep is more refreshing. She contrasts this with the common practice of napping in China, where it is culturally ingrained.

Why does Francis think it's unnecessary to force oneself to read classic literature?

Francis argues that reading should be enjoyable, and if a classic book doesn't resonate with the reader, there's no need to force oneself to finish it. She believes that many classic works, especially those written by white men, may not offer meaningful insights for modern readers, particularly women. She encourages people to read what they genuinely enjoy rather than feeling obligated to tackle difficult or unrelatable texts.

What is Francis's opinion on physical photo albums?

Francis values physical photo albums as a way to preserve memories and create a tangible record of one's life. She believes that printing photos and organizing them into albums helps people reflect on their past and maintain a sense of time. She contrasts this with digital photos, which often get lost in the vast storage of smartphones.

Why does Francis dislike high-density information podcasts?

Francis finds high-density information podcasts unappealing because they often involve a single host delivering complex ideas in a confident, fast-paced manner. She believes this style can create the illusion of depth without necessarily offering meaningful insights. She prefers podcasts that are conversational and grounded in research or personal experience.

What does Francis appreciate about letter writing?

Francis values letter writing for its intimacy and personal touch. She believes that letters allow for deeper, more thoughtful communication compared to instant messaging or social media. She finds that letters preserve memories and emotions in a way that digital communication often fails to do.

  • 许多人将洗澡视为一项任务,而非享受。
  • 洗澡洗头可以带来丰富的身体触感,是成本最低的自我疗愈过程。
  • 洗冷水澡的益处缺乏科学依据。

Shownotes Transcript



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