This week we continue the new format of Steven and Andrew talking and joking about their anxieties of the week and Dr. Deb analyzing them only at the end of the episode. This week Steven is anxious because he feels bad whenever he leaves his parents after visiting them and his fear of flying. Andrew talks about how his childhood mall had a huge part in the new Wonder Woman movie and how sad he was that its now closed. They also get into listener submitted anxiety topics of a fear of hills and worrying about vaccine distribution. They get advice from Dr. Deb in a mini therapy session at the end of the episode on ways to ease your fear of flying, your fear of heights, handling guilt, and much more! Please send what made you anxious this week to be talked about on next week's episode to our social media! instagram: and twitter and please leave us a review on iTunes! Now we are on Patreon as well at for bonus episodes and content! Thank you for listening!