This episode Andrew talks about quarantining and getting tested but having to use a rest stop during the trip to see his parents. He also gets into the anxiety of oversleeping to the point it makes you more tired than sleeping less. Steven talks about the anxiety of not liking your face after shaving and the anxiety of his first road gig by himself in a long time. Plus they get into listener topics of the anxiety of being a teacher and having to switch to online learning and the anxiety of worrying about the safety of a loved one who is traveling during a pandemic. They get advice from Dr. Deb on ways to relax yourself, the importance of having back up plans and a back up plan for the back up plan, and much more! Please send what made you anxious this week to be talked about on next week's episode to our social media! instagram: and twitter and please leave us a review on iTunes! Now we are on Patreon as well at for bonus episodes and content! Thank you for listening!