"Oh, insomnia! Ah, well, I know a good cure for it... Get plenty of sleep."- W. C. Fields.
On today's episode, Abby and Margot discuss all things sleep! They share a bit about how anxiety can sometimes (or often) play a role in how much or little sleep they get, the factors that contribute to a lack of sleep / insomnia, and some of the ways they combat sleep issues. The Warriors highlight a few of their favorite go-to strategies to aid in both helping them to fall asleep and stay asleep, and discuss their benefits. This relatable chat offers the listeners a chance to reflect on their own sleep habits and struggles and game plan how to navigate their own sleep anxiety. For this week's active practice, Margot and Abby share a personal favorite! It's a progressive muscle relaxation technique designed to help the Warriors fall and get back to sleep called "Tense and Release."
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