What would you do to survive? Beg? Borrow? Steal? How about earn? How bad to things have to get before you'll work a job that you don't want to do? What kind of job are you willing to do? Mow lawns? Flip burgers? I remember when my parents divorced, my dad would work his regular job as a butcher 40 hours a week, then paint houses in the evenings and on weekends. Today, maybe... he'd become an #instacartshopper ??? Like me! Today's #nobadkarma #podcast episode tells the story of how I ended up instacarting for thrivival. #surviveorthrive #givechoicespurpose
Musical interlude is Circus (https://pixabay.com/music/amusement-park-circus-145017/), aquired through Pixabay on 2/22/24.
Like and follow @nobadkarmadotcom on facebook, instagram, and youtube - where you can find bonus content. Find my spotify user nobadkarma to hear what I'm listening to and find a playlist) for this episode.
#surviveorthrive #selfimprovement #liveintentionally #loveintentionally