cover of episode 99. 完结特别篇:谢谢你,《9号秘事》(附主创中国见面会录音)

99. 完结特别篇:谢谢你,《9号秘事》(附主创中国见面会录音)

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Key Insights

What is the significance of the number 9 in 'Inside No. 9'?

The number 9 is a recurring motif in 'Inside No. 9,' with each episode featuring a connection to the number, such as room numbers, addresses, or other subtle references. Additionally, a hare (a wild rabbit) appears in every episode as a symbolic element, adding to the show's unique identity.

How did the creators of 'Inside No. 9' approach the final season?

The creators, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, felt significant pressure to deliver a strong final season. They focused on creating six compelling episodes and ensured the finale referenced all previous 54 episodes, embedding callbacks in dialogue, visuals, and themes to provide a satisfying conclusion for fans.

What was the inspiration behind the episode 'The Trolley Problem'?

The episode 'The Trolley Problem' explores a psychological dilemma where a doctor seeks revenge for his daughter, who was emotionally manipulated by another character. The story revolves around the doctor forcing the manipulator to confess his sins, creating a moral and emotional conflict rather than a traditional utilitarian trolley problem scenario.

What are some of the unique storytelling techniques used in 'Inside No. 9'?

'Inside No. 9' is known for its innovative storytelling, including layered narratives, unexpected twists, and genre-blending. The show often plays with space and tension, such as in the iconic first episode 'Sardines,' which takes place entirely in a cramped closet, showcasing the creators' ability to craft compelling stories in confined settings.

How did the creators handle the pressure of ending the series after nine seasons?

Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith approached the final season by focusing on creating six strong episodes without overthinking the significance of it being the last season. They aimed to maintain the show's quality and ensure the finale referenced every previous episode, providing a cohesive and satisfying conclusion for long-time fans.

What was the reaction to the live episode 'Deadline'?

The live episode 'Deadline' was a bold experiment that left many viewers confused, with a quarter of the audience turning off their TVs, believing the show had genuinely gone wrong. However, this was intentional, as the episode was designed to blur the lines between reality and fiction, creating a unique and memorable viewing experience.

What are some of the recurring themes in 'Inside No. 9'?

The show often explores themes of identity, morality, and societal critique, wrapped in dark humor and suspense. Episodes frequently feature unexpected twists, layered narratives, and satirical commentary on issues like politics, class, and human behavior, making it a rich and thought-provoking series.

How did the creators incorporate fan service into the final episode?

The final episode of 'Inside No. 9' was packed with callbacks to previous episodes, including guest stars, props, and dialogue references. The creators ensured that every episode from the series was represented in some way, creating a nostalgic and celebratory experience for fans who had followed the show for nine seasons.

What challenges did the creators face in writing and filming 'Inside No. 9'?

Each episode of 'Inside No. 9' was filmed in just five days, requiring intense focus and efficiency. The creators often had to balance complex narratives, tight schedules, and the challenge of maintaining the show's signature twists and surprises, all while ensuring high production quality.

What future projects are the creators of 'Inside No. 9' working on?

Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith are currently writing a stage show for London's West End, set to run from January to April 2025. While it won't be an immersive production like 'Inside No. 9,' it will feature traditional theater elements and new stories, continuing their legacy of innovative storytelling.

  • 节目回顾了《九号秘事》的创作背景、风格特点和媒体评价
  • 分享了主创在中国粉丝见面会的精彩瞬间
  • 逐集点评了第九季的六个单元故事

Shownotes Transcript

It's almost time to say goodbye to Tyrone, fare thee well. It's almost time to bring the curtain down. I'll say adieu. To me? To you, so long it has been swelled. But don't you cry the tears of a clown.

If you're going to cry, cry tears of laughter, a smile takes much less effort than a frown. So let's have one more joke and raise the rafters, cause laughter's the best medicine in town.

Doctor, doctor, I keep feeling like a woman who delivers babies. Ooh, don't worry. It's just a midwife crisis. Yes, if you're going to cry, cry tears of laughter. Your funny bone can never break in two. Misery might make you win a BAFTA. But laughter is my memory of you. There are three types of people in this world. Those that can count and those that can't. Terrible!

After is my memory of you. Do you know, Tommy, I've spent the last four years looking for my mother-in-law's killer? Do it! Yes, after is my memory of you.

欢迎来到英美剧漫游指南的第 99 期节目。 我是深屋芬文在地铁里乞讨,可能已经被替换了的流浪汉陆小鸟。 Hello, 我是急着上厕所,但每次冲进去都会撞见人,一直憋到现在的又有。 大家好,我是在桑原里弄私闯民宅的衣柜。

Welcome to the episode 9 of the Secret Room Special. This may be the last episode we make for him. Will there be any extra episodes of the show? First, I have a few words to say. Since 2016, there have been many groups of English-speaking people

In addition to the audience group, you can also join K-Ling TV. There are also groups of individual dramas. For example, you can join our 9th secret room in the backstage of our public number and you can join our 9th secret room's fan group. Including our anchor, no one can be in our all English and American male group. Welcome you to visit and play cards, but don't be rash. Another one is that the announcement of our little universe will be updated once every few days. So if you are in a panic, you can turn on our little universe announcement from time to time.

我也 我也



大家好者一定要看 X 战警 97 好的 X 战警系列居然 那接下来我们就直接进入正题吧 首先问一问 依贵 你是和九号秘室怎样结缘的 我是听说了万圣节那期 做的还蛮刺激的 然后就从那期开始看的

那你后边有对他上头到真爱的过程吗? 反正是一定会当天就看的。 其实很多剧就哪怕说我是一集一集追下来的, 也不一定说是当天就看。 那悠悠呢? 我是从第一季就开始看, 因为我在看这个之前就已经是 Steve and Reese 的粉丝了。 这个要从我一开始在 B 站看盗版的,

封城记说起,就是曾几何时 B 站是一个拥有无数盗版版权的这么一个网站,然后我在 B 站上就无意中看到了封城记就一发不可收拾,然后又在 B 站上看完了绅士联盟,对当时裸体也不用打码。

之后就成为了 Ris Steve 的粉丝,还有包括麦格,然后后面看到他们又一起推出了九号密室,然后我就第一时间去看,然后一直追到了现在。 那当时的 B 站还真是不像现在,虽然说是引进了正版的,但是还都是删减的。 那毕竟是最后一次了嘛,我们体面的给它一个告别,还是简单的介绍一下九号密室到底是怎样的一部剧吧。

《九号密室》一共九季,每季六集一共五十四集,还包括《万圣节特集》是 2014 年开播的,到现在一共十年了,它是一部以单人剧形式呈现的电视剧。

每一集都是讲一个独立的故事,它是由 Ris 和 Steve 他们两人自编自演的一部剧,它的类型是比较偏悬疑喜剧,黑色幽默,然后有的是犯罪,灵异,每一集都不太一样,就充斥着大量的反转,彩蛋,无数的梗埋在其中,就是每次来看都会有一些新的趣味。

然后每一集它都会藏着一个 9 来等着你来发现,然后每集也一定会出现一只同质野兔雕像,然后就来寻找这些彩蛋就是粉丝之间心照不宣的一个乐趣。 我想起来了,我最开始想要看九号密室是因为我当时忘了在哪里看到说这部剧的灵感是来源于封城记的某一集,我就想说那可以看一下。

刚刚又有已经说出了几点了,我们现在还是追溯一下,一是兔子是九毫米式的一个特征了,另外就是每一集都会有各种各样的酒,尤其是最终集的时候的酒尤其多,它其余还有什么特征呢? 我觉得还有它很喜欢用层层叠叠的这种叙事嵌套,不停的反转。

而且表面上是比如喜剧犯罪悬疑这些类型化的东西,但是它最后其实都会有一些比较荒诞,比较暗黑和讽刺的表达,就他们会有一些比如说政治方面的反思,一些社会方面的议题。 因为听我们的这期节目的人可能许多都是老听众了,但是为了能够安利更多的广大的潜在的九号迷失的

This is also a very interesting phenomenon. Because when I look back at the short film of the first season of 9mm, many people say that it is said to be a forbidden product of the black mirror. It's like when you look at the dark, you'll say it's a bit like a weird language.

I think this problem only exists in China. In the UK, Black Mirror and The Secret of the Nine is completely two different things. There's not much of a comparison. Maybe

但是我们是先发现了出圈的黑镜,然后后面才会有人想知道有更多的英剧或者美剧有什么好看吗,然后就找到了九号密室。 但实际上他们并不是那样的一种关系从作品角度来说。 对,然后我感觉也是因为这么多年来,

Ha ha ha.

非常让人羡慕就是两个人能一起自编自演。 然后我们刚刚有提到黑镜嘛,我突然想到它有一个非常大的特点就是有别于黑镜之类的系列剧集,就是它非常刻意的去追求特别极致的空间里能够编造出怎样的故事。

就他们很擅长去打造这种空间和叙事的张力。 这也是为什么我觉得大家对第一季第一集沙丁鱼这一集印象这么深刻的原因。 就是他在衣柜里,在一个非常小的衣柜里塞下这么多人,然后这么复杂的人物关系,然后有意思的故事。 我觉得这种对于空间的利用和想象就是一开始最让大家吃惊的地方。

I saw a favorite vote for every season, and the shark was in the top of the list. And I saw on the chat that everyone asked which season was the most impressive, and there were a lot of people playing the shark. And it's actually quite like a stage play, because the stage play is dramatic in a very small space. Because Riz Steve and Mark, they used to play stage plays for many years in the Life and Death Alliance, and they have experience in this area. I think this signing is very successful.


他们跟一般的英式幽默所谓的英式幽默我觉得还有一些不一样 他那个点会比较的诡异 对 不过我看这句有一个障碍就是我智力太低了

他们每次的猜谜,各种报纸上猜字,这种我都略过,不想去思考,一般就等他直接说答案就好了。 你说到报纸,就他们这一季还跟卫报来了一个联动,有人发现卫报他不是每一期都会有填字谜吗?

然后 6 月 12 号这一期字迷,投稿人写的是斯芬克斯,就是非常著名的那一集斯芬克斯之谜,然后就他们搞了一个非常好玩的联动,然后我翻了一下,就蛮多人非常认真的在评论里一本正经的分析答案,然后还有人说,奇怪,感觉这一期的答案格外的简单。

就比平时都要简单很多。 后面就有很多人发现了是九号密室的一个联动, 然后就会在评论的结尾加上一句, 谢谢你斯文克斯,就看得特别暖心。 那我们对这部剧的介绍和案例就差不多了。 感觉这一期已经结束了。

And because it's just over the holidays, there are various media around the world reporting about the holidays. Yigui, can you tell us about it? I searched it, but what I didn't find was the website where we usually go to find the screen. I found that one is basically saying that it's over the holidays and makes people feel very bitter sweet, very sad and satisfied. For example, said it's a bitter sweet farewell to...

TV's most innovative anthology. 上次聽到這樣的評價,

I will never leave Reese.

Steve, if you really get the opportunity to shoot in the US, will you really choose to leave the United States and go to the United States?

So I have collected a lot of questions from the fans. So the first question is about our last episode that we've just all watched. So just now we have all watched the first episode of season 1 and the last episode of season 9. So I believe this is a question that a lot of fans are curious about. So is the last episode fictional or based on some truth? So Steve, if you really got a job in the US, would you leave Reese and the UK? No, I don't have a job in the US. I would never leave Reese.


这个九号密室的,我在小伙说看到一个人发主创见面会的时候,他们自发的组织了粉丝的一个签名海报,然后送给胖胖和二侧。 那其实我在那天见面会的时候,我是朋友帮搞到的票,而且意想不到的那个位置特别好,是在舞台的前四五排吧,所以说不是最中间。 然后后边有一个也是超级粉丝,他在前面就接受采访,他展示了自己一个类似大的相册之类的东西,他说这么多年准备的各种各样的纪念品。

做的一个礼物想要送给两个人 有一个上海的某一个媒体来采访他们 用视频来录像 我不知道他们最终那个内容忘了拿去了 他在受采访的时候就说 我希望亲自把这些东西送给 Steve 他们 但是应候的时候他就拼命的举手喊 我我我我最终也没有成功 我不知道最后他有没有把这个礼物送过去 我感觉现场每个人都是带礼物来的

上海的见面会我感觉两个人的营业真的做得太好了,无论是在上海的某个街道出现和大家合照之类的,我发现两个人的区别好像和距离也很一样,我想问一个引战的问题,你觉得两个人谁更好笑一点? 好啊!

I think they might have left each other and it became not funny. I said this is based on the fact that I watched some TV series where Reese or Steve participated in the show. It's not like they participated in the show alone, but they were in the same theater, but there were not many rival shows. It's not their own idea. I think it seems to be a very ordinary actor.

我这样会不会被打啊? 那不是因为别人没给他们安排好笑的戏份吗? 我觉得他们的笑点是要他们俩互相碰撞出来的。 对,然后他们上海行这个交流活动, Riz 他在回答问题的时候是蛮礼貌感谢比较正式的,然后 Steve 他会开玩笑。 就比如说我们是先看的第一季的第一集,然后再看的最后一集,我不知道你还记不记得第一季的第一集有一个叫错名字那个杆,就类似老友记那个。

然后我再回忆整个 9G 是不是也是这样 你看最终极表白的那一方是瑞斯 那

那我们接下来直接进入这部剧六集吧,我们简单跟大家聊聊。 这里有一个剧透警告,我们肯定会有一定的剧透的,如果你不怕的话就继续听,当然我们更希望你能够看完剧再来听。 如果你要去补剧的话,欢迎去微博 local 字幕组,本地字幕组,他们的翻译一方面肯定不是删减版,一方面非常的具体,把每个梗都标出来了。 对,这个字幕组的名字一看就是绅士联盟的忠实粉丝。



对不起,这个 BOO 是什么? 就是它是一个拟生词,就是拟拟拟。

就是虚的意思对吧? 对。 你刚说反直翻译,我突然想到我在有的地方看到它翻译成胆大包天,就跟胆小如鼠完全是反过来的。 诶,那有意思。 对,这个更接近于具体想表达的意思,但是我觉得两个都行。

我觉得沉默的大多数也可以吧,它是从主创表达的方面上来说了。 对,不同的视角去想这个标题,我觉得都可以。 那这集的故事主要就是讲九个身份不同的乘客被困于一节车厢的一个故事吧。 最后我们发现真相它更是一个隐喻,然后回到它那个故事最初,那个车停下来应该是两三个人等着上车对吧?

三个人,一个就是一对情侣,也就是瑞士和他的,应该是妻子吧,女朋友叫 Adis,瑞士叫什么忘了,然后还有一个是谁上车来着? 教授吗? 对,教授。 另外一个教授上车了,叫 Raymond,他之前也是封城记的一个演员吧。

其余的乘客都是车上本来就坐着的人。 有一个是老的流浪汉,是非常引人注目的,戴个耳机,看起来有点不正常的样子。 他是叫马修凯利,是一个很知名的英国老演员了。 有一个胖胖的女士,Elena。

她是一个护士,在后边我们才揭露她是一个护士嘛,再就是斯蒂伍扮演的变装皇后和她的朋友,她那个朋友也曾经参演过亦乱情谜。 还有侦探 Robbit,就是她的黑人朋友,一个超级好笑的英国戏剧,英国侦探戏剧。

侦探拉比特 好像国内有翻译两季 后面好像没有再翻译了 哦 这样 反正都是英国演员了 然后还有一个就是怀疑论者 Finn 他就是抱着一个双肩包 在怀里神神秘秘的 一个典型的阴谋论 对对对

整个世界都是被监控中,你看车厢上面就有监控摄像头,然后也建议别人乞讨的时候一定要用纸币,不要拿取款机,它会监视你的一切之类的。 西医人是真实存在的,政府有天大的阴谋。 对,然后这个怀疑论者是泉游里面的一个角色,你们还记得是哪一个吗? 但是我就叫不起来名字。 然后最后出场的就是一个小流浪汉了,叫 Mossy,他是英村脑残故事里面的一个角色,他就开始乞讨。 小流浪汉特别像暗黑的主角。



Ha ha ha.

然后 Steve 演的那个《变装皇后》多说一句就是如果你在 B 站看的话,他应该气氛几乎被删得所剩无以,就是你肯定是会影响你对剧情的理解的。


后来我们才知道他变成这样也是因为他已经彻底被这个社会捶死了。 就被替换了,就最后就会发现其实整个车厢他就是在模拟一种当局对于民众的服从性测试, 就是反对的声音,就被筛出来然后清理掉,替换掉了。 对,然后发现其实 Ris 她饰演的那个人,就她曾经是这样的一个人,现在变成这样的人, 是因为她已经被替换过了。

衣柜你觉得它是被替换了的吗? 我觉得它不是。 所以你的理解是它是被垂拐了, 所以才没有被替换的吗? 其实之前没有想那么多, 但没有那么笃定它一定是被替换的。 我感觉它也可能是被垂拐了, 因为它还是一个...

能有那么多智力去在这个车厢里周旋的一个人,不像那种被替换的好像木讷的没有什么脑子的人的样子。 我觉得大多数人的逻辑可能是说因为他放了毒气,然后这个毒气只对没有被换掉的人有作用,所以他没有带那个面具。

却没有关系。 对,Jerry 没有反应。 他说自己不需要,你直接用这种科学的方法来排除了他是吧? 那也许是吧,所以替换的人不只是一个低智商的人,除了变成顺民以外没有别的区别吧,就相当于。 对。 然后这里面对所有人的讽刺我感觉都挺到位的,尤其是变装皇后,大家乍一看她可能是一个叛逆的,反叛的,主张那种自由价值观的一个人,她还是男变女嘛。


当上流社会家庭说出来以后,然后整个这个讽刺就很到位了嘛,就许多年轻人确实是在做一些非常知识政治正确的那种事情,但实际上他也付出的代价特别少,然后他的反应非常好笑,you are so mean,就很委屈。 他这里好像是 Q 的一个 tailor-sweep,因为他这句话的前面,他有提到说 O2VL 这首歌,就是我们之前不客里有讲到的。

这是第一个 Taylor Swift 的歌,然后后面她又说了一句 You Are So Mean,就是这个也是 Taylor Swift 的 Mean 那首歌里面的一句。 变成好后,它代表的就是跨性悲者嘛,LGBTQ 群体,其实就是我们的认知会觉得说它和流浪汉应该都是被主流社会边缘化的群体。

所以他的黑人朋友就说,你应该是最能够体会这个流浪汉这种不被理解的感受,就是你为什么还要选择站对这边,就要站在他的队里面。 我觉得其实这集讲的就是身份政治的问题,就是虽然大家都是属于弱势群体,但是因为大家的种族啊,性别,阶级,民族,

每个人的身份立场以及价值序列不一样吧,就还是会是去比较你我,可能谁会有更多的话语权,谁有更多的资源,或者谁更加弱势,谁的问题更加紧迫,就这些问题。 然后得出的结论就是,还是你是你,我是我,就友军的范围就会变得越来越小,然后就亲者痛,仇者快,最后大家都被替换了。 我觉得这是一个世界问题,现代问题。


你知道这个人是护士吗? 他曾经是在上街抗议罢工的人。 你会发现他并不是一个维护权威, 而是想支持当时抗议的护士这个感觉, 想为了正义感,所以说他成为了正义。 他发起民主投票,他希望能够执行这个正义, 就是以一个独裁的方式把那个人的包检查掉嘛。 对,所以这个没有说是谁一定对一定错。 但他做的事情便是一个保守的事情。 我觉得这个就是要从他们的自己的每个人的立场去分析, 都有他的道理。


我觉得这个也是一种解读。 但是戴面罩不就代表没被替换吗? 这两个是矛盾的是吧? 就是戴上了面罩, 但是同时因为他的表现不再是那么激进, 他会为了自己利益去选择一些看起来不符合自己身份的选择。 所以这两样是矛盾的。

但是你戴上面罩不代表说没有被替换过。 但我还是根据她的表现来觉得她挺像人的, 你看结尾的时候她戴面罩的那个样子, 以及下车的时候另外一个被替换的那个女孩立刻就挽住了她, 她带着她走, 我感觉她都是像一个人, 而不是那种被替换的人的感觉。

都没有定论了。 我的感觉是最后进来的那三个复制人, 他们不像人是因为他们是刚刚进来, 他还没有融入到这个社会里。 才启动。 对,然后但是你看 Ris, 他就是一个被替换过的人。 你看他的表现就很像人。 他跟他妻子对话的时候, 你也会觉得就是一个全人化的一个人, 一个看起来很正常的一个社会人。 所以我觉得他可能复制人也是一个有学习的过程。 但是他现在已经学会了说 Yes Sir, 然后有讲点一些有意思情节, 就是那个老的流浪汉。

其实耳机是没有戴着,但是后边他又癫狂了一下嘛,我感觉他你们觉得是被替换过的吗? 他不一定是被替换过,但是有一种理论认为他可能真的是被外星人绑架过。 我也看到这个说法。 而且他癫狂的那一段,念的那个好像是一段宗教道词,但是是被改写过的。



Oh, yeah.

犯追踪那个 You are being watched 对对对 提前预测都是有的 但是这种 replacement 还是挺新鲜的 对 就用一个完全一样的 科隆人也好 是怎么样的人也好 这个太高科技了 然后整个的社会意味着 全都是这种人了 而且他们居然为了测试 搞了这么大个动静

都用这么大的社会资源。 我突然想到了,他好像社会资源用的也不是特别大,因为在这个车厢做测试的人只有这一个人,怀疑论者,对吧? 他带了一个包过去,偷了护士的钱包,搞这么一出,然后测试谁是顺民,谁是用他这里面的词语叫做……

挑战现状的人 你是做挑战现状的人 还是不想介入的这种人嘛 People don't want to get involved 所以说他在这里面 测出了这三个 不知道什么时候 他发出了信号 让这三个人的备胎过来 把他们替换了嘛 然后剩下的都是 整个的国家机器 或者这个地铁机器 他们不知道从哪儿派来的 防疫服务的人 把这个事执行了 但是如果这个人 也是替换人呢 他们就是批量生产 这种替换的人 来管理每一个网格呢

另外有一句是 see it, say it, sort it

这里本来是一个非常普通的安全口号,然后让乘客看到可疑的物品或者行为,马上报告给工作人员。 但是放在这一集结尾,然后搭配上墙上贴着的那个宣传标语, Don't mind us, we are just watching,就有一种被监视的感觉,也是非常心思疾恐。


瑞士管它叫做 Proper Authority 对吧 恰当的权威机构 非常 decent 我觉得这些许多的细节都是蛮有意思的 就是我看完了最大的感受 相信许多的 尤其是上海的观众 他会有很多的共鸣 因为这里边也牵涉到了

这一集我感觉它延展的比许多我们看的一个完整的 90 分钟或者两小时的那种电影我觉得都有深度了

现在我觉得可能是我九季最喜欢的,不知道未来一年以后会变成什么样子。 我觉得这个是我曾经觉得黑季应该发展的方向,因为它前面两季都是走一个政治讽刺的路线嘛,只是后面就变得…… 哎,别骂了。 好了,好了。


好的,接下来第二集,电车难题。 我可以说一下我不喜欢这一集的点,因为我开始看到电车难题这个概念的时候,因为大家都很熟悉这个概念嘛,就我一开始有一个自己的猜测,我就以为会是这样走向,就是胖胖饰演的医生他发现他刚刚救下的这个在桥边有自杀倾向的人。


通过一些言语的诱导来促成这个人重新自杀,也就是让这个火车重新回到他应该在的轨道。 就是我当时想的电车难题是这样的。

实际的电车难题很简单,就是他的女儿曾经被 Steve 给情感操纵过。 他想为自己的女儿报仇,报仇的方式就是你写下自己的罪。 如果你写下自己的罪,承认自己犯下的这些过错,这个电车就不会伤及你的儿子。 如果你不承认的话,这个电车就要伤及你的儿子,就是他的一个选择。 答案他已经一切都准备好了。 我觉得有一点点牵强就是用这个标题,在我看来。 就没有...

太好的去应用大家对于电车难题的理解 电车难题的理解就是个体的利益和更多人的利益 就是一个功利主义的这么一个选择 不过他这个故事的进入模型也是 9 毫米是非常常见的了 我在说这句话的时候我非常担心瑞斯会反驳我

没关系,他们也经常自己自嘲。 就他们好像有一集就是借一个角色之口说, 一般这种拍到六季的时候就已经江郎才尽了, 就很难想象出新的反转了, 因为现在的观众全部都见多识广, 大家看过太多的反转了, 就可能都会猜到了。

反转是你最会搞的,你搞一个什么死亡,瑞士立刻就警觉了我们并没有什么鬼魂,一共只有四集,我们 54 集其实只有三集,三集是鬼魂的,他就非常强调这一点。 我就担心,我说他这个故事模型也是一个非常简单的,就是一个看起来很好心的人展露出他邪恶的一面,或者是他过去曾经犯过的罪孽,就这种模型好多好多了。

实际上反转的结果往往就是揭露这个人过去的一些事情。 我们尽量不要让他们听到这一期播客。 然后我有一个奇怪的联想,这里边瑞斯的女儿是被


就是《绝命都市》里面的一个故事嘛。 然后这里面还有一个有意思的就是那个 Laughter Yoga, 这个是真实存在的一个科学理论是吧。 它说 90 年代有一个教授, 假设人不需要喜剧或者是笑话就可以大笑, 然后就开始笑了起来, 就可以从笑中获益。 确实有,确实有。 但是看他们两个笑的时候, 我确实也跟着笑了。 后面不变惊悚了吗这个笑? 对。 就是自制笑气了。 这集我也没有很喜欢了,

但结尾自焚这一点还是挺... 那一下挺让人震惊的。 但是经不住琢磨这一点。 所以如果 Steve 他承认自己的罪了, 认罪了以后他还会自焚吗? 我感觉最后他自焚之前, Steve 他是有点想要自白的。 但是 Ris 给我一种一心求死的感觉。 我觉得...

她想制造一个所谓的电车难题,但实际上她想追求的是一个同态复仇。 是。 因为最后那个心理医生的儿子也被活埋死了嘛,相当于。 也是一个扮演上帝嘛,她确实不想活了。 但是应该是有放过她儿子的选项嘛,只要她父亲做人事。 嗯。

OK, so that's it for this episode. I don't know if the audience liked this episode, or if they only liked this episode. You can tell us in the comments section. Third episode, Sang Yuan Li Nong. I saw that in the local translation, it's called Sang Yuan Li Nong in the title, but in the lines behind it, or in the Netflix drama, it's called Mo Bo Li Xiang Xiong Sha An. I think this episode is the last one to reveal that

前面那些摄影素材 来自于门口的那个摄像头 这一点可能跟我的个人生活 就是有一点点贴近吧 所以会有一种特别的 你也不能说是亲切感 就是感觉可能会发生 在自己身上的那么一个事情 因为我家门口 也有一个这样的摄像头

这个猫眼监控,确实它的故事都是那种很日常的。 对,其实悬疑的写作我觉得是一个比较常规的写法,我更喜欢的是最后那几秒钟突然把它变成了一个电视节目的时候的那一刻的感觉。

因为它是一个很典型的一个破案的故事,前面会堆叠各种各样的线索,但是在临近结尾的时候告诉你一个关键线索,然后把这个案子破了,直到结尾那个主持人的声音一出来,这一集的性质就变了。 接的还挺妙的。 它的视角是层层嵌套的,叠了至少得有三层,就是一开始是这个猫眼镜头拍到的故事。

这个就是发生在这里的全部真相 就他们把这个案件又拍成了

网飞的犯罪纪录片,然后在纪录片里播放了这个监控片段,我觉得这个是比较巧妙的这个叙事。 而且我觉得这一集我不知道跟黑镜最新一季有没有关系,我觉得有点像痛殴最新一季最暗纪录片那一集的意思。 应该不是吧,应该是在说 Netflix 里边许许多多的最暗的纪录片吧,而不是黑镜。

Because the black mirror talks about the episode of the most dark documentary, Henry Hu. His process is very similar to this episode. Isn't that because many of the Netflix documentaries are like this? Yes, but at the same time, because his predecessor is BBC, there is a kind of BBC that is upside down and super crazy. But I'm really eye-opening. I don't admit that our 9th secret room will want to imitate the black mirror. It's not in his eyes.

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 alaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalaalalalaelalaelalalelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelele

这个就属于我的个人呢,就是系外的延伸了,因为我正好想到了那一集。 这个剧它新鲜的点,从剧作角度来说就是桌面电影嘛,全都是摄像头视角,无论是猫眼啊,执法记录仪啊,还有几秒钟的车上的镜头,它就是通过这几个镜头里面看到什么拼凑出来这样一个故事,有的是白天打招呼,有的是晚上收垃圾桶。


又有刚才讲的那集叫冰冷的安慰,那个当时应该还属于是桌面电影比较流行的一个小时期,所以现在隔了一段时间再拍这样的一个形式,而且多数的时间都集中在一个视角下的话,实际上确实也是就有种小别圣心婚的感觉。 对,之前那一部好像它有四个机位至少。


哈哈哈哈,对对,非常奇怪。 我个人是蛮喜欢这种。 第二步就换成苹果的设备了嘛。 据说有的人的手机在 Hi Siri 那一块真的响了。

Oh, right.


像是全程都是室外監控的,我能想到的还蛮少的,就是这是一部。 然后还有一部就是早期看到凤骏浩有一部叫《自杀潮流》,它也是一个短片,就二三十分钟吧。 所以我觉得这种视角拍成长片还是非常有难度的。

而且我觉得大部分类似这种视角,比如说西区柯克的后窗,他都是我们观众其实是和主角一起就是目击了这个凶案现场。 他的悬疑点就是在于我们会担心这个主角会不会被凶手发现,就有这种代入感。 但这集他巧妙就是在这个可能发生的凶杀案,他其实是在监控画面之外的,就是我们是通过这个背景的声音然后去

想象去推测去坐实这件事情 我觉得也是小小的戏弄了一下 就是我们现在这些 越篇无数的观众的心里 就是说你不是 笃定这个凶杀案已经发生吗 我们最后就给你推翻它 这个还是声音的妙用了 然后这几个都不是我喜欢的点 我喜欢的点反而是里边 笨笨的角色这些奇怪的笑点 尤其那句台词

当瑞士去对面邻居家质问他,你不要每天跟踪我,对他大吼大叫的时候,然后那个邻居的妻子说,你不能那样对我的老公说话,因为他装了心脏起搏器,我当时笑死了。 我觉得很好笑的是,半夜他们想潜入他家的时候,邻居举着一个超级长的梯子,然后...

然后正好就碰到二次出来 面面相觑 你想干嘛 然后他还找了一个理由 真正很合理的理由 这里边的男邻居都超笨啊 我不知道是不是英国人都这样 笨贼 你说到他们笨 我最喜欢的是 把风的那个老头 他带了一个露纸的手套 他们不想留下指纹 然后他带了一个露纸的手套

对,然后它明明有后门的钥匙到最后它才可以展现出来,这些东西都太蠢了,我不明白这种安排。 而且看他们在那里对话的时候,你会一直在想,在那个镜头之外的右上方,那个女人就一直扒在那个窗户那儿。 对,它其实因为它是一个连接的摄像头,所以涵盖的信息量其实还不小的。

还有他的笨的点就是当瑞士在晚上把两个皮箱塞到后备箱里的时候 明明对面的人家在偷看 结果他那个丈夫把灯开开了 然后你就看到那个妻子马上就跟他说快把灯关上快把灯关上 然后我还很喜欢他们的另外一个点就是 就我很喜欢这种一家人来到一个陌生的社区 陌生的街道格格不入的这种故事


OK. 进入第四集,任务管理器,Control-Alt-ESC。 这个操作三个按键一起按就是关掉电脑的某个程序,它出现一个任务栏,对吧,让你选择关掉哪一个。 这个讲的就是一个密室逃脱的故事吧。


然后他一进密室的关键一个点就是 Steve 他演的这个爸爸,他脚脖子就马上被二次给靠住了,所以他全程几乎不太能动弹,就只能由妈妈和两个女儿就是一边找出口找线索,然后一边就会有一些有的没的交谈,然后你从他们的言谈中可以看到说,爸妈是感情出了问题,好像是打算离婚的,还是说已经离了,然后爸爸和女儿之间就是沟通也非常有问题,就他也不知道怎么去跟他们交流这件事情。

然后他在这个密室逃脱的副本里设定上会有一个杀手叫做死亡博士。 对,这个时候我就要跟你们朗读一下了。 那么现在我相信你们都听说了那个连环杀手的新闻,人称死亡医生,叫这个名字是因为他喜欢在受害者身上做实验。

Now, when you stop and ask for directions in this little house, you are on your way to a local scenic spot, because a kind man served you with iced tea. But when you wake up again, you will find that you are trapped in his basement. This is the story of the escape room. What a great escape room introduction. And his rebellious eldest daughter also said, I haven't played this before. She thought it was very new. Is it because the escape room culture in England is not very developed? No.



突然出现了她躺在病床上戴着呼吸面罩的那种样子,我感觉这个出现实际上还蛮突兀的,开始我确实没想到,我还以为会不会这个密室真的会有什么坏人啊,包藏获心啊,揭露人心另一面之类的事情,墙上那几个受害者的女孩会不会和我们来玩密室的这一家这个丈夫有关啊,就是是不是 Steve 他犯了什么罪,然后有人来惩罚他。

就像那个第一集第一集那种杀定鱼一样的套路,我还以为这样。 实际上就是他接近脑死亡的时候,他自己大脑就是出现了这种幻象,然后他的家人还在跟那个医生就是他在大脑里幻象的那个 Dr. Death,还在犹豫说要不要对他进行安乐死,就这些场景全部都是他大脑的想象,应该是也是一种求生的意志吧。 就我跟你不一样,就是你是没有想到这个 Twist 的。

但我是中间没多久的时候我就有猜到这个结局。 因为就完全让我想到了喜剧大会里某某某的那个海盗那一集。

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

什么时候的事啊? 去年,去年一年录喜剧大赛一个 sketch,也挺好的,然后有人发多半帖子说他抄戏九号密室的嘛,就是辉光返照那一集。 哦。

她家里发生了灵异故事,然后闪回了自己和家里家庭的很多故事,最后发现实际也是她的临死之前的一个回光返照。 这个其实就是朴素的家庭情感,我没想到她会这么朴素,就是妻子两个女儿都这么爱她父亲,这个戏码我好多年没见了,太纯爱了。

不能用宠爱来形容吧 不过九号应该是每一季都会有一个 相对温情的家庭故事 所以这个份额就相当于给到这一集了 然后这一集还有后面那个九号交响曲 其实很多人会去讨论说 没有最后的反转这一块 我觉得就是故意做的没有了 而且说实话

这个梗很妙啊,你宁可要一个反转也不要一个漂亮的梗嘛。 他最近的密码是蛮妙的设定。 不过我还真的想了一下有没有可能说他在脑中想到了 9 这个密码,但是实际上没来得及说那个药已经打上了。

我是有一点点期待这样的结尾,但是又没有那么期待。 对,然后它其实这一季的整季都在告别,在这里边就出现端倪了。 这一季已经开始了任务管理器,它出口是 9 号出口,因为下一季就会有写完 9 号就会死的设定了。

我们接下来就到九号交响曲的诅咒。 这个诅咒就是说交响曲不过久,就包括贝多芬、舒伯特在内很多音乐家,他们在创作了第九交响曲之后就去世了。 很多人就传闻说这是一个诅咒,然后这一集里的一个非常知名的作曲家,他也非常笃信这个诅咒,所以他...


二策就不是所有的調音師都是盲人。 那個不是小玫瑰說的,是小玫瑰的女僕說的。 哦,女僕說的。 就他們把這個調音師請過來, 就是他的妻子和這個家庭律師, 他們其實是有一個陰謀的。 就是他們知道二策他非常有才華, 他會譜曲,

只是因为生活所迫而被迫当了调音师, 然后他就故意诱导他发现了作曲家的一座在这个钢琴里面, 然后又挖坑给他跳, 就是循序渐进的吧, 就一步一步的诱导他去完成, 真挖坑给他跳, 真挖坑, 诱导他去, 然后诱导他去完成了丈夫没有写完的这个地久交上曲, 他们想要去把它拿去卖钱, 然后,

二刹他在谱曲的时候就被逼谱曲,然后他就真的好像继承了这个诅咒,就是他看到了死去的作曲家,就是那个满头满身都是血淋淋的,就坐在沙发上一直盯着他看。 而且还指导了他的创作。 对,所以这个地方就是我有一点不满足的一个点,就是因为关于这一集我也有一个我自己更喜欢的脑洞,就是...

The music composer who played Erce saw the ghost of the composer and found that the curse was on the way. I was wondering if the composer was actually fake. He deliberately made himself look bloody and sat there. Erce thought he had seen the ghost. Why do you think so? Because Erce was originally there to play the music. He had no inspiration. He didn't know how to continue. The composer's ghost was right next to him until he finished this work. It's like he suddenly felt something and wrote it down immediately.

This is a miracle.

但是这个剧 My Race 它有能力能够完成的线索还挺多的,一方面它就是诗意的调诗音师,他从小就想着要作曲,然后他还是小玫瑰她丈夫的忠实粉丝,然后他还在诗音乐厅里面研究过她的所有的音乐,专门研究的,所以说他是有能力,只是没有机会来创作这一曲的。

So the core of this story becomes a good person. Not a kind person, but a story that has deceived the devil's curse. This kind of similar story is also in Greek stories. Once there is a little evil in your heart, you will have a bad result. But if there is no evil, you will be able to avoid this. I think his transition is quite clever. He has already finished. He just...


然后他还装作无其事。 其实他内心已经慌了。 所以这个是他第九号交响曲的第一页还是最后一页? 对,我也在想,他随便放就可以吗? 我有点没接受当时。 其实我当时也觉得,为什么这样就算是他完成了? 就相当于死于语文不好。

可能还有一点是我在看到去世的丈夫他说的话的时候,他用的单词可能有一点点暗示,点到为止的暗示说完成那一个曲目,而不是创作这个曲目,可能有这个区别导致了这个 trigger 是实现的。 Compose 和 complete。 嗯,是一个文字游戏。

对对对就是我能接受这样的一个文字游戏但是他把最后那一页放进去的那个动作太随便了就是你怎么确定你放的那一页就正好是该在的那一页不一定是该在这一页只是在整个这里面就算吧所有的曲子都在这了这就是一个完整就是在他那个文件夹里面就算完成了的感觉他如果用 complete 这样的词是不是会更好理解

她舞技就是 complete。 那我觉得是可以接受的,这个转嫁方法。 然后我提醒大家不要再回看最后这个小玫瑰就是女主人掉到楼下的那个样子,不要暂停看,看起来还蛮吓人的,就是她脖子真的被扭过来了。 那个场景很惊悚,很像中夏夜惊魂里那两个跳下去的老头老太太的四法。 对,仔细一看她的脖子真的好可怕。

So in my heart, this episode is the final episode of The 9th Mystery. Because whether it's a play or a symphony, or music, as long as it's shot for a long time, it will die. Anyway, they will have a self-hate, a self-cursing description. Because the sixth episode, The 6th Mystery, I feel like it's a full episode of our fans.

嗯,所以说我觉得完结的是上一集。 OK,那我们就进入下一集吧。 我第一遍看这一集的时候,我是觉得这一集里穿插了大量的彩蛋。 但是后面我重新看的时候,我发现它并不是说在最终集里插了大量彩蛋, 而是说在彩蛋里插了一个最终集。 哈哈哈哈。

他的彩蛋实在太多了。 包括他把之前的能请到的演员都请到了。 几乎好像是前九季的演员全部都请到了现场来参加这个查星派对。 然后你看着那个九号密室他之前的过往的片段一幕幕的出现在了那个投影仪上, 看得非常感动。 我觉得可能不管是不是真正的粉丝看了都会感动。 然后其中我觉得印象最深刻的应该就是一个串场的角色应该就是麦格。 你说打视频电话的对吧? 对。

这就是因为我看到有一个网站,它非常厉害,它整理了每一集的 callback 的方式。

包括说回顾这个视频里剪辑了哪一集的哪个片段,哪一集的哪个演员作为嘉宾出现在这一集,然后有哪些场景,道具,角色,台词和之前是一一对应的,就是这个网站是把它全部都搜集起了。 然后我开始想说,他应该不可能把每一集的每一集都挑来 callback 的吧。

但后面发现就全季九季五十多集,它每一集都以某种形式出现在了最终集,就是它全部都 callback 了一遍,几乎每一秒都是一个彩蛋。 你说的是最终集吗? 对,最终集,然后几乎他们说的每一句话,每一个动作,然后包括角落里你没注意到的一个道具,都可能是在呼应之前的某一集,某个场景和某个角色,我觉得这个实在太厉害了。

这也就对应着 Local 字幕组做的时候,因为我昨天我才看了这个最终集,Local 字幕组真的把每一个画面都加上了,这是哪一集,这是哪一集,这是哪一集,非常的辛苦。 所以说我们本来行事请一贵讲讲里面到底致敬了什么呢,后来发现直接看这个版本的字幕组的就能够很完美的呈现了,不需要非常具体的讲,可以大概讲讲。 可以讲讲我们自己能够看出来的一些。 对,然后这个大街区第一次看,我肯定是在那个线下的活动里面看的,和 Steel 他们一起看的。

Amanda and Catherine. These two actresses. Their names are often mixed up. Because they are

然后我想说是不是现实里就这俩演员就是也经常被弄混 然后在结尾的时候拍的那个虚构的警探的剧两个角色的名字依然标错了 对字幕上又故意打错了 对然后这次回看我又有一个意外的联想应该也是故意的就是最开始他们在厕所里偷偷想要吸毒嘛

一起在一个小小的空间里挤在一起,最终还是三个人,这也和第一季第一季一样啊,都是沙丁鱼那种感觉,形式都是致敬的。 对,它这一集而且它不仅是致敬,它是全剧的第一幕就扩败了这一集的开场,沙丁鱼的女主就是 IT 狂人的那个女主 Catherine 她走进了厕所,然后对着镜子整理头发,包括她闻洗手液,就闻自己的手这个场景,跟沙丁鱼的开场是一模一样的。

包括厕所隔间里后来进来的那个蓝衣服的男人, 他也是沙丁鱼的男主。 然后之后第三个人就陆讯挤进了这个厕所隔间, 这个场景也是和沙丁鱼的衣柜是对应的嘛, 就等于又是又闭环了一次。 然后这里边就出现我刚才说那个情节了嘛,


Ted Led

泰拉索的那个人,他就问,他要跟他采访的时候,就 Steve 说了一句说, I feel like my whole life is flashing before my eyes. 就我感觉我的这一生都是在眼前闪过。 然后这一句话也是在 callback Christine 的 12 天,就是对应的这个剧情。 对对对对。 然后这里边他还自己调侃了说你是用真话还是引用台词。 他说 boss。

虐人的时候都是这个时候。 我真的好奇他们真的会记得自己的台词吗? 我觉得是会记得。 你记不记得之前采访出格君的时候, 他说他给每一部 Rick and Morty 他翻译过的东西, 他全部都记得。 翻译完之后,他每一个细节,每一句台词他都记得。

那他们主创就肯定更加熟悉了。 比较动情的也是这种对话吧, 就是当他说一个非常感人的话的时候, 对方说你是用台词还是真心话, 有的时候他说这是我真心话, 有的时候这是我用台词。

然后最后那一段是非常有用现在大家都已经用烂的词就是情感张力的吧 我不是什么嫉妒你去亚马逊不是生气你背叛我之类的 而是我他怎么表达了我不知道没有你的世界是什么 啊不应该不是这么辛海诚的话了


然后呢? 真的是真情流露,那一段就是他们看似好像在吵架,实际上就是表白。 而且他当时回忆到 Steve 就是晕倒的时候,他说我真的以为你当时要死了。 就是 I thought you were gonna die and I was gonna lose you. 他当时说这句话的时候,他整个人都破音了。

So Steve is very heartless. I think that sentence can't be called hurting people. It's actually affectionate. It can't be called heartless. We've been working together for too long. I don't even know if we're friends. Because he said we're friends. He said I don't even know if we're friends. I really saw it. It's so heart-breaking. It's a feeling of pity.


但是我觉得他们不应该用朋友这个词来限定了。 已经超越了各种形式了。 你看表白的为什么每次都是 Race 而不是 Steel? 之前也有啊,之前的,你不能老是盯着最后一期。 我为 Race 鸣不平。 然后这里必须要跟大家说一下,他们在应候里, 有观众还真的相信你们真的会有亚马逊的剧集吗? 然后他说并没有嘛,我永远不会离开 Race。 再来一个。

怎么可能有一部开发七年的神曲啊? 你们觉得他们说跟亚马逊签约有吐槽亚马逊的意思吗? 你怎么总在乎他到底吐槽网飞,吐槽亚马逊? 为什么会吐槽亚马逊? 不知道,就是这个感觉。 只是选一个流媒体啊?


然后 Steve 说自己作为演员最喜欢的一集 你们猜猜是哪一集 他作为演员最喜欢的一集 是不是应该是扮演女装的时候 哈哈哈哈


然后可以说一些大家能看到的彩蛋,就是他厕所隔间里每个墙上,每个门上都贴了一个数字 9,然后每一个 9 都是对应了之前的某一集。 比如说沙丁与他俩挤进去的那个隔间,那个门上贴了一个非常醒目的彩色碎块的数字 9,就那个是出自第五季的某一集。 第四季吧。 然后他有多细,他就细到包括酒吧的菜单上,几乎每一道酒的名字都是在 Coback 之前的某一集的标题。

我看到有一个是 Bloody Marily Marily 怎么翻译就是可能是血腥玛丽的谐音梗吧 它就是对应的第七季的第一集 Marily Marily 因为这是我最喜欢的一集之一 所以我印象也非常深 然后它菜单上的几乎每一道菜 也都是之前剧集里出现过的食物 太细了 后边抢了 Steve 角色的那个演员 说要让他重新试镜 然后他一提到这个演员 那肯定会给他了 那个演员就是谁啊 就是开头演沙丁游戏的那个男的

Team Kim, it seems to be called. Why would you definitely give it to him? It doesn't matter.

里面大家都觉得很自然的样子。 他当时说要,Steve 说想搞一些真正的好莱坞拍的那种贯穿 7G 的大制作美剧,我当时想,全游吗? 后来仔细想,全游好像是 8G。 然后当时想说这个 7G 的大制作美剧指的到底是啥? 我觉得可能没有那么具体,只是说 cue 一下他们现在流媒体的制作形式。 然后说我跟你在一起就只能搞这种小夹子气的不到半小时的破玩意儿。

I was really suspicious when I first saw it. I was wondering if their new project was really a comedy. A stupid comedy. Yeah.

I like it a lot. You mean the train at the end? Yes, I like it a lot. I want them to make it into a real drama. A train bus and detective comedy combined. Bus driver is a stupid detective. It's also suitable for them. For them, there is no breakthrough. And if it's a detective story on a bus train, it sounds quite cost-effective. They don't need extra scenes.

话说中间的 podcast 采访 我觉得有点为了加笑点 强行加的情节就是中间插播广告 哪有录播客广告还要在现场录制的 它又不是直播 我觉得有点 你看就是有过插广告经验的人 外网的播客它很多是直播播客

So there will be this kind of situation. Last time, they filmed the episode where the screenwriter was occupied by the blogger's fans. The blogger on the other side is also a live blogger. But he didn't edit it at all. Because there are too many lags in it. This person is not very professional. Indeed, the performance in this episode is more for a funny effect. But many of the online bloggers are live bloggers. Then they go straight to the scene to record this advertisement.

而且他后面还说我的素材已经足够了, 我感觉他是剪辑的而不是直播播客的感觉, 是好笑的。 而且这个主播 Nick 他当时还跟二侧说, 希望你不要拿 Buffetar 的奖杯去砸胖胖的头。 那个 Buffetar 就是英国电视电影艺术学院, 这个也是在 Callback 第六季的第二季, 就是 Simon Says。 那一集里就是二侧演了一个非常狂热的粉丝, 然后他拿一个奖杯去砸胖胖演的那个小说家的头, 那一集你记得吗? 我记得就是我刚才说的那一段嘛。

I am pleased for you.

好想听他唱卡拉 OK 啊。 好喜欢听他破音啊。 然后当时,可是我们俩总是被捆绑在一起,就 Steve and Reese,我听到这一句的时候感觉稍微有点破防,因为想到之前我们做的每一期的酒话秘识播客,然后都会一直重复啊,Steve and Reese, Steve and Reese,就是把他们的名字放在一起念出来。

There's been a twist.

就事情有了反转。 然后当时二侧出来就是问他说, Has it been seeded? 就是他用了 seed 这个词, 就是这个词可以表示铺垫, 就他们一来一回, 就是一个人说 seed, 一个人说 twist, 就一个铺垫一个反转嘛。 但是我看 B 站的翻译, 他就直接说的是, 胖胖就说事情有了变化, 二侧问他, 你是不是有了新的想法?

就他没有把这个 wordplay 体现出来, 我觉得就比较可惜。 他在那里边是不是扮演了一个卡通角色的嗓音, 在第一次回应的时候? 他有用别的嗓音。 然后他说别闹了。 那个也是 callback 某一句台词。 然后后面还有一个地方就是, Steve 就问 Race 说, 你之后有什么打算, 是不是准备继续弄你那个 plodding on double D? 嗯。

《Ploading On》就是他要做的新的故事嘛,新的劇集,然后《WD》就是胖胖他在之前某个角色的一个口批,就影响很深,就是应该是第七季莫比乌斯环的那一集,他就有一个《WD》的一个口批。 很多彩蛋是你能够看出来的,我觉得这个就挺有意思,就不需要你暂停某一帧去一个个的找。



然后我就是在这一集看完之后,然后又去翻完了别人盘点的每一个彩单。 你有一种感觉就是好像把九号密室这部剧又重新给拼凑起来了。 它带着你去回忆了之前的很多剧集。 然后这一点就跟我之前看比如黑镜啊,世界奇妙物语啊这种系列剧的感觉是完全不同的。

Okay, I'll say it again before I say this is not the last episode. Okay.

这才是真正的最后一集 那好呀 我们就简单聊了这六集 其实除了每年 我们应该从第四季开始吧 就每一季更新都更新九号密室节目以外 去年的第八季的时候 我们还邀请了不到十家播客 每一家播客聊了一集嘛

Or just looking forward to what Steve and Reese will create.


笑死 笑死 好 如果你喜欢本期节目 欢迎你在各个平台关注我们 包括苹果 Podcast Spotify 还有小宇宙 网易 豆瓣 喜马拉雅 等等的平台来关注我们吧 不要走散 也欢迎你来给我们打赏 无论是爱发店或者是小宇宙上 就谢谢大家的支持

如果你喜欢九号密室,也可以去补一下绅士联盟。 因为前段时间冰冰字幕组又把这部剧重制了,它一共只有三季,然后也是非常典型的英式黑色喜剧。 然后也是他们非常少有的自编自导自演,因为像九号密室它是自编自演嘛,但这部剧还有自导。 然后包括麦格也是主演了这部剧,非常推荐大家来补一下。

哎,刚才我要说什么来着? 哦,真的是冥冥之中,第 99 期节目就这样到来了,所以说也碰巧赶上到了 9 号密室。 居然是第 99 期节目聊 9 号密室。 对。 我之前都不知道。 我也是这两天才知道的。 天啊,他也太有缘了吧。 然后下一期节目就是我们的第 100 期节目了。 然后第 100 期节目,你们两个觉得应该做什么? 那 100 期就做地球白子吧。

图丁在墙外说滚。 我觉得已经很多人都不知道这部剧了。 然后我们在实际上去年前年都尝试过留了一个问卷地址让大家填写对我们说的话嘛,我们说有一天我们会选出一些听众好友们的话来

I'm sure there will be some. So today I put this link back to the show notes. If you have anything you want to say to us, or you don't mind us reading it, or you want to rename it, just put it in there. Welcome to leave us a message. We are indeed a 100-day program. There are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


I love you.

Ni hao! Hi! Well, welcome to China, Stephen Rees. Thank you. You're welcome all the time. So, maybe you want to say something for the audience? Well, we've only been here for nearly a week, but we've been so welcomed. It's been fantastic. We can't believe how much you love the show! Thank you very much.

Yeah, we're really overwhelmed and we're excited to come and see the immersive theater show. Has anyone seen it yet? Is it good?

We are also looking forward to the 9th anniversary performance here

Thank you, thank you, Steve and Elise. I feel a bit nervous because I'm a fan as well. You too, so... I'm sorry. Okay!

Let's stop the Q&A.

Steve, if you really get the chance to film in the US, will you really choose to leave the US?

So I have collected a lot of questions from the fans. So the first question is about our last episode that we've just all watched. So just now we have all watched the first episode of season 1 and the last episode of season 9. So I believe this is a question that a lot of fans are curious about. So is the last episode fictional or based on some truth? So Steve, if you really got a job in the US, would you leave Reese and the UK? No, I don't have a job in the US. I would never leave Reese.

We knew it would be very emotional for fans to see us argue and we thought that was some good drama to put in the last episode to put the show under threat and to put our partnership under threat and it seems like it's worked

Without this plan, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to film in the US. And I wouldn't have left Reese. I know that the last episode was very touching for our fans. So we thought that we could present a very dramatic story in the last episode. In the last episode, we could put the fate of the 9th room and our friendship in a very dangerous position. So that everyone can see the story behind it.

What I was just going to say, it was hard to film those scenes where we were arguing. It was quite horrible. Even the cameraman, I remember saying, "I'm not enjoying filming this. It's horrible to see you arguing." So that was good. It seemed like he was real.

It was real. So thank you very much for answering and for reassuring us. Yeah, yeah.

二期謝謝我們的美女翻譯 And her name is Rachel, can you believe her? 下一個問題,下一個問題是在這九季的五十多集當中 一直在演別人的故事 在最後一集突然演自己是什麼感覺? So the next question, in the over 50 episodes in Inside No. 9, you have been playing many different characters, so how does it feel to finally be yourself, play yourself in the last episode?

It's strange to do a version of yourself, especially when you've been hiding behind so many different characters throughout the whole series.

We did it before in Deadline, which was the live Halloween show that we did where we played versions of ourselves and we both died in that as well. But this was fun because it was a bit longer to play those parts and it was the way that we came up with to end the series because we thought how can you end 55 different stories? It's not been about one thing. But then we thought well the thing it's been about is...

Steven and me, so we thought that's the thing to do. So we decided we would play ourselves and it would be an opportunity to bring back all the great guest stars that we've had over the last ten years.

There are 15 different stories in the room number 9.

The 9th episode of the series will end soon. It would be better if we call the 100th episode of the series.

So inside number nine is called inside number nine so it's over after nine seasons you should have called it inside number a hundred So next question which is

《Jing Yu Ye》, I learned English in that movie. 《Zhu Yan Bu Chu Xian De San Xing》, etc. Please ask, out of the nine episodes, which episode do you like the most?

So in addition to the unique door cam perspective, in Malbury clubs, Insight No. 9 is full of a lot of clever designs including for example, a quiet night in where you didn't see any line, a great English learning opportunity, and also 3x3 where neither of you appeared. So among the 55 episodes, which episode stands out as your favorite or most memorable episode for both of you? That's always a very very difficult question to answer.

but we do love doing the episodes which play with television and play with what you can do with a half hour of television. So one of my favorites was definitely Deadline, the live episode, which we did film live, and it was very exhilarating and nerve-wracking to do, but the fact that the only bits that went wrong were the bits that were meant to go wrong, and

Probably these guys didn't watch it live, I'm supposing. But for anybody who watched it live in the UK, so many people turned off because they thought we genuinely had gone wrong. We lost about a quarter of all our viewers. And when we heard that, we were like, yes! It worked. So that was really exciting what to do.

This is actually a difficult question to answer. I personally like the kind of TV shows that allow us to fully explore the format of a single-person drama. So my personal favorite is the one I just mentioned, the special live broadcast of "The Deadline". It's a live broadcast, so I think the shooting itself is very exciting.

You have to go "Yes!"

One of my favourites, I always, we get asked this question a lot and I often say the magic episode, the episode called Misdirection but thinking back, we've been, you know, it's been like memory, going down a memory lane the last few days looking at all our episodes and seeing the posters

And remembering when we filmed A Quiet Night In, which is a classic episode, it was such fun to do it. We don't really get to do much physical comedy, a lot of our episodes are about the power of the word, but it was such a fun week to film that episode, no dialogue to have to remember, and it was just fun to do all the falling and the running around the house and the dogs. So I think I've changed my mind and I would like to say that was one of my favourite experiences.

Actually, this is a question I often get asked. When I was asked this question, I always answered that my favorite episode is called "The Right Island" or "The Right Island" which is about the magicians. But in the past few days, seeing our own posters, it's also a chance for me to look back on the journey of "The 9th Mystery". So now I'm thinking about "The Night of the Mirror". Because the shooting of this episode is very interesting. Because we rarely do this kind of physical, silent comedy before.

I hope that I learned English from that episode. The pantomime, yeah. Okay. She always wants to kill a dog. Okay.

So, the next question is: In the 9th season, as the final production of the 9th mystery, during the creation process, will the story's creation and presentation face the greatest pressure? So, since season 9 is the last season, did you feel more stressed than ever when working on the stories as well as how to present them on the screen?

Yes, it was hard. Arriving at the final season that we thought might have a lot of expectation to be really good, we felt even more pressure in a way to try to come up with six good episodes and also the end one, the one that I think people would think, well, how are they going to end it? So the pressure was high, but I think we just took a step back and thought we just have to

make six more good episodes and that's not easy but we just decided not to try to make it anything special about the final series we just had to get to the end and think of six new ideas and I think we did it everyone seems to be very happy with the final series so I hope we got to the end and you all liked it


后退一步去想一想说,我们就单纯的再去想六个优秀的故事。 那当然这也不容易,但是呢我们最后决定说不要把这最后一季呢当成一个很特别的很大的一件事情。 我们就单纯的去创作六个有趣的故事,那我想我们是成功了。 那很多人呢这个也是非常的这个喜欢最后一季,那也希望大家能看到我们最后一季,然后也希望大家能够喜欢。

I think one of the main difficulties was knowing how to end the whole series and we wanted whatever we chose for the final episode to have a reference to every single other episode. So as well as creating a story for the one you've just watched, we made sure there was some reference either in the dialogue or in the visuals that is a reference to every single other 54 episodes. So I hope you can enjoy spotting what those references are.

For us, it's a bit difficult to end this episode. We hope that we can talk about the previous episodes in the last episode. So we don't just have to give the story a story in the last episode. We also have to talk about it and show the previous 54 episodes in the screen. So I hope that when you watch the last episode, you can find out which episodes you can see.

We just saw the last episode, right? There are indeed many episodes of shadows. Thank you very much, two of you. I almost forgot my job just now. Because I was waiting for them to continue talking. I'm so nervous. The next question is, there are many unexpected twists and turns in the "Nine Secrets". When creating such a story, do you first set its ending and then reverse it? Or do you start from the beginning and develop the creation later?

So indeed, we have spotted a lot of references in the last episode and I almost forgot to ask the next question because I was so involved in listening to you. So the next question is we know insight number nine is known for its surprising twists. So when you write stories, do you usually start from ending and then work backwards to complete the story or do you start from the beginning?

It really varies. We don't have a set way of writing Inside No. 9 and one of the main things we decided when we began this whole project was that we would change the style and the genre episode by episode and in that way we changed the way we write them episode by episode. Sometimes we will start with an ending, so for example, the 12 days of Christine, we knew what the ending was there.

and we worked towards it. Other times we find out what the ending's going to be as we're writing it. So for example, in the first series we have an episode called Tom and Jerry.

And when we were writing it, we thought that my character, Mig, was perhaps going to be a figment of... What's your character called? Tom. It's in the title. So we thought that Mig would be a figment of Tom's imagination, and we thought the audience would be too smart to work that out. So as we got towards the end, we changed it, and I think that made it more effective.

We didn't have a fixed script. We would change the style and type of each episode. Sometimes we would write after deciding on the ending. For example, for the 12 days in Christin, we would first think of the ending. For other times, we would write and think of how to end the story. For example, in the first season, Tom and Jerry,

I see.

You know, I just taught them that I almost forget my job. Because I... like while I told you that I'm one of your fans, so... What's your favourite episode? Thank you for asking me. To be honest, I would say all of them. You don't really know any of them. Well...

Because you know my major is I'm a musical actor so that's my favorite one. Yeah. Yeah well yeah so thank you so much. Yeah good choice, good choice.

Our event today was held at Shanghai National Theater We also know that BBC and the "Midnight Show" and Shanghai National Theater "Dazhong Culture" made the "Saturday Night Show" together And it's here I want to ask you guys Have you seen this play?

如果看过的话感受如何? 如果没看过的话是不是参观过一些相关的一些设施之类的? 然后认为感受如何? So we're here today in the Shanghai Grand Theater which has worked with BBC, 大卖 and DaFeng Culture to co-produce the immersive play for Insight No. 9. So have you two got a chance to see it yet? How do you feel? If you haven't got a chance to see it, have you got a chance to tour around the space and how do you feel about the space?

We haven't seen it yet, we're seeing it tonight. We're very excited to see it. They just showed us around the backstage area and it's so amazing, it's like falling into all our episodes. It's like the Disney World of our show. So we're very excited, we've not seen it yet and we don't really know what to expect so we can't wait.

So we're here, it's a couple of times.

Yeah, I mean we first heard about this about a year ago or more and we were shown the designs for how the one floor of this amazing theatre would be transformed into Inside No. 9 World and as soon as we saw those plans and the ideas for the staging we fell in love with the idea and so we're very very excited to see the show.

We heard about this idea of a play about a year ago. We also saw the stage design, how to convert the space into a secret room. After seeing the plan and the stage, we really like this idea. So we are looking forward to the performance tonight.

I hope you guys like the "The Nine-Tailed Clown" of Chen Jinshi. The next question, although it was collected, I am also very curious about it. This question is: "In addition to Chen Jinshi's play, will "The Nine-Tailed Clown" be seen by other forms and fans in the future?"

So I hope that you have a good time in tonight's show. And the next question is not just a collected question, this is also a question that I'm personally very curious about. So apart from the immersive play, will Inside No. 9 return in any other format? Yes. Because me and Rhys are currently writing a show for the West End in London. Stay fresh.

So we're going to be in Leicester Square in the Wyndham's Theatre from January to April 2025. And our production is not going to be an immersive production, it's going to be traditional, you know, we are on the stage, we're both going to be in the performance. And it's a challenge, it's a big challenge to keep the expectation

We are working hard on it. We are working on a new story for London New York.


其中大家会看到一些熟悉的故事,也会有一些新的故事。 我想这也是我们一直在去做的,就是希望两者都能够去兼顾,去呈现一个九号密室的一个话剧给大家。

So as I said earlier, although the 9th secret room is the last time we have opened this door, it might be a new one. I believe that in the future, there will be more and more art forms behind the 9th secret room. So, thank you. And, more pictures. Okay. Ah, this is still interesting. This says, in the entire creation and shooting process of the 9th season, is there any unforgettable story?

So even though like we said this is the last time we see the door to Inside Number opened but actually I believe now this door leads to a lot of more exciting new things other new formats of artworks to meet with us. So the next question is during the filming and writing of season 9, the 9 seasons, so was there anything memorable behind the scenes story that happened that you could share with us?

Well, there was an incident where Steve seemed to have a fit on the stage and he fell and had to be taken to the hospital. I don't know. Did everyone spot the shot in Control Alt Escape when it was the producer in my wig and not me?

Of course you did, you're the super fans. Control, sorry Rebecca. Rachel, sorry.

Control Out Escape Season 9 Episode 4 Yes, I know, I'm so sorry Seems like I'm not the super fan here, the biggest fan here In the 9th episode of "Return to the Secret Room" Did you notice that the person behind the fog is the producer, not me? And since you are more real fans than me, you understand what she said first

I'm trying to think of anything funny that happens. The problem with us is the show is so tightly filmed, we have five days to film each episode, so there's not much time for us to be messing around and finding things funny. We're quite serious when we're filming it. But I remember when we were filming the Marbury Close episode with the foxes,

There was only one fox and they, with computer effects, they were such an old man, they made it look like two foxes and that fox was so fat and full and didn't want to eat anything. So we had to sort of put a piece of string on it and pull it toward the food. But that was probably the funniest thing that happened in series nine.

Actually, we only have about five days to shoot. So we don't have much time to have a lot of interesting behind-the-scenes stories. So we are very serious and serious during the shooting. I think I can think of another very interesting one. It's in this episode of "Sangyuan Street" series murder case.

There was a fox in the video. We actually shot only one fox. We also used a computer special effect. It looks like there are two foxes. But in fact, the fox was too fat and too full. It is not interested in the trash can. So we have to find a way to get the line. Then pull it to complete the shooting. So I think this is the most interesting story.

Is this the first time that you've been trying? Yes. So the next question will be, what do you think, is there any interesting thing or funny thing during this tour?

In China. Well, we were very kindly taken out for a lunch by the producers of the Inside Number 9 theatre show and they put out six dishes on the revolving table and we thought, "Wow, this is so generous." So we ate all of those six dishes.

And then another one came. And then the beaking duck came. And then the fish came. And then the beef came. And then the pork came. And then the noodles came. And we were so polite. We tried to eat everything. We didn't realize that it was going to keep coming. So we are really bowled over by your hospitality. Thank you. We love the food.

I'm loving the rain

Anytime! Okay, so... So, next, our fans, if you have any questions, you can ask our Stephen Lee.

As a fan, I'd like to say that it's a pity that the 9th season is coming to an end. But what impressed me the most was the gathering of the Ten Thousand Holy Days. I'd like to ask the two creators if it's possible that in the future, even though the season is over, this kind of special gathering can still be held

So I'm a very big fan of Inside No. 9. I just want to say it's a pity to say goodbye to 9 seasons. And one of the most memorable episodes for me is the Halloween special. So my question to you is even though we know Inside No. 9 is over, is there a chance for us to see similar special episodes that appear in front of the audience again in the future?

Yeah, I hope so. We would love to come back and maybe do a special if the BBC would have us come back and do some one-off stories maybe for Christmas or Halloween or another horror story. So the door is closed but it's not locked.

Is there anything else? I think the two of you... Right away. The last man.

I want to ask Pengpeng, I think the world in your eyes is not the same as ours. Everyone will have a lot of inspiration based on a small point. For example, if you find a shoe on the road, you can have a gathering. Then today at our scene, is there anything that can inspire Pengpeng? And then when Pengpeng answers this question, I hope Ercei doesn't be idle. Can you help me sign a small inspiration? Thank you.

So I promise I'm going to be the last man to ask a question before I give a chance to another woman. So the question to Steve is that, so I believe that the world from your perspective must be very different because you can find inspiration from the smallest detail. For example, you can write a whole story based on a shoe that you found on the street side. So is there any inspiration that you spot today, right here, right now, that can be a potential new story? And while Steve is busy answering this question, I would like to keep...

I'll keep really really busy by asking you to sign this poster with me. Start. Okay, well, first of all, we write all the episodes together so it might be one person's idea but we always write the episodes together.

首先呢,我們所有的集都是一起創作的,可能呢這個某一個靈感某一個點子是一個人提出來的,但是劇本是我們兩個人一起創作的。 My idea for an episode would be somebody is trying to answer a question and his friend is upstaging him by creeping around the stage. 我想到的今天的一個靈感就是說在台上兩個人,一個人想要去回答問題,結果他的朋友呢就非要搶他的風頭,在他回答的時候,接著就放台。

I'm going to Amazon. Okay, okay. So if one sign, all of us will be signed.


You can't tell

There are two questions. The first one is, we know that next year, you will be in the western part of London, with your live-action play. And I want to ask, is it possible for you to bring this play to China in the future? This is the first question. And the second question is, we all like the rabbit in the 9th room. And I want to ask, is it possible for you to make this rabbit into the official middle of the market in China? And we can buy it back in China.

So two questions for you. So first of all, just now you said that next year you're going to have a theoretical play based on Inside No. 8, London West End. Is there any chance you're going to bring it to China on the tour? So the second question is that we know in Inside No. 9, a very important and beloved element is the hair, the bunny. So is there any chance we're going to make an official merchandise out of it so that we can all buy it home and use it as our bunny charm?

Well, I don't know of... It's good questions. We don't know any of the plans after the stage show in London. But if he does well, we are being so welcomed here, we may, you know, who knows the future we may return with our other show. That would be great. And merchandise sounds great. I'm sure you would all love it. I would like... I've not even got one of the airs.

So I've got to get this merchandise and get it myself. So I don't know if there's plans, but hopefully we'll look into it. And if we can make it happen, we surely will.

I don't know if there is such a plan, but if it can be done, I am very happy

We will buy it. We will buy it. I will be the first one to buy it. Can we make a reservation later? I already put in my order for that merchandise. Yeah, okay. So... Okay, can I have a black girl?

Hi, Grace and Steve. I'm so emotional today because the first time I was in set number 9 was 2018. And this TV series has been with me for more than 6 years. So I'm so emotional and so lucky to be here to see you guys today. And one question I want to ask is that

Just now you talked about your favorite characters and episodes in Inside No. 9. I want to know, you two created so many characters in this TV series, and I want to know which character you found the hardest one to play in the process, and if there are some other interesting stories that happened. Can you share the stories?

Thank you.

Thank you for your question. I have to say that these questions and these fans are really amazing and more polite and better than the ones we get in the UK.

The one interesting character that I quite enjoyed playing in series 9 was in the first episode "Boot to a Goose" where I had to play a female impersonator what we call a drag queen and I had to wear a special piece and I

We of course played female characters in the League of Gentlemen but with Inside No. 9 we hadn't really done that a lot but I got very irritated, my skin got very very irritated so I had to keep adding layers underneath the... I don't know what's the polite word? Breasts, okay thank you.

I had many, many layers under my breasts. And, um... So that's... Yeah, that's my reason. One of the... It was sort of the challenge of playing a character, and I think the character that I played in Wise Owl

Ronnie was a very troubled character and it was a very moving story that I was telling so it felt like it had to be quite carefully now to tell that story but I think it came out very well. We weren't sure about that episode with the animation and everything but we were very proud of it in the end and that feels quite a different kind of part for me. It was very quiet and not angry so I think it was quite a very...

I think a very interesting character for me is the female character that we play


So I need to add more layers under my chest to make my skin less uncomfortable. Reese's answer is that the role that I think is more challenging is in the smart cat.

We just gave a girl a chance to play the role of the character of Roni.

My personal favorite episode is the fifth episode of the eighth season. Because in that episode, not only is it a complete story, but it also shows some supernatural phenomena, some experiments that are against human nature, including the control of children and parents. All of these are included in that episode. I want to ask you two how you designed this episode.

Thank you.

So my personal favorite would be 3x3, which is the fifth episode of season 9. So it's not just a very interesting, complete story on its own, but also I think it explores a lot of interesting topics, such as supernatural forces, as well as humanitarian factors, also the parents' control over their children. So how did you come up with this? And also, how come you are able to arrive at such an interesting idea for the story? Because I think people didn't realize it, is that right?

and told and the story reveals itself. So it looks like a quiz show. So how do you come up with the story? Well, that's a very good question, but I can't believe you picked the one that neither of us two are in. But yes, it was the challenge for us was to write, as you say, a story that could be told

through a quiz show, so people would think they were watching a normal quiz show and there wasn't really ever any point in which we went backstage. It was always as if the quiz show was happening.

Were we able, as writers, to tell a story in between the moments of the looks between the parents and and satisfactorily tell a story that grew and you understood as an audience that something wasn't quite right with the family. And on top of that we thought we would pull this trick on the audience where

they expected this episode that was about a number nine bus and then just last minute we would remove that episode and put this apparent quiz show on so there was a lot of planning to try and make it work because once again as with all the episodes it relies on the surprise and we really wanted that to be a complete surprise and I think it worked people would seem to be really shocked by the ending when the head exploded in the box so we were delighted with the response




Okay, the staff just did this to me, so I can only do one more because we really...

I just ordered a lot of things, but they are all on the same floor. We ordered the second floor. But it's impossible to go up. We need to unite. We are all residents. So let's find a representative on the second floor. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative. Let's find a representative.

I believe you. Don't worry about the signature. Ask questions first. Back up. Be careful. I'm sorry. I'm from Hangzhou.

in Zhejiang province. So my first question is that do you have any plan to visit other Chinese cities or do some things in other Chinese cities? The second question is as you may know in China we have a lot of fairy tales, horror stories, and folklores that are very interesting. So would you consider weave those elements into your future works?

Well, we've certainly been invited to come back to China and now that we've seen just how big and passionate the fan base is, then I'm sure it won't be the last you've heard of Inside No. 9 in China. We hope to make more, maybe some more exciting TV shows, theatre shows and we hope to do more here for sure.

We are very excited to be here in China. We are very excited to be here in China. We are very excited to be here in China. We hope to have more exciting shows in the future. We hope to have more exciting shows in the future. We hope to have more exciting shows in the future.

And yeah, we did, we read quite a lot about the Hungry Ghost Festival, for example, which interested us, and we have our traditions that we celebrate in the UK, like Halloween, and we wanted to try and understand some of the more traditional stories coming out of China, and now that we've been here, that's sort of made us more interested in the subject, hasn't it?

Yeah, definitely. I mean, you know, we're big horror fans and anything that is spooky or supernatural or suspenseful is something that we're drawn to. And you have a great tradition of really good horror and spook and scare stories. So we would definitely mind all that if we were to come back and do something, especially for you.

I know that there are many traditional Chinese stories in China. We know that there are traditional stories like "Wan Sheng Jie" in Yibo. We hope to know more about these traditional stories. Now that we are in China, we are more interested in this topic. And because we are fans of horror, suspense and horror stories, we are very interested in any stories that contain supernatural elements or horror and horror elements.

So while you guys are signing these two cards, I didn't even get to take a seat! The next part is for everyone to participate. Let's have a light bulb together!

And then please open your phones and then open the phone's ringtone. No, open the phone's flash light and then we all raise it. This photo is for each of us. So we invite Stick and Reese to take a photo with us. Please, thank you. Yes, we'd love to take a photo, thank you. Go, go, go!

I'm a little bit nervous.

Okay, thank you! Thank you! Okay, alright. So, next, please give us a simple farewell of this event, okay? Thank you! Which means goodbye. We want to thank you all for coming. We want to thank our incredible host.

Yes, thank you so much. It's overwhelming for us. We had no idea that we were told that it was BD in China and that we had some fans. We had no idea that it was so beloved and it really means the world to us that you came today and made us feel so welcome. So thank you so much and please enjoy the rest of whatever we do in the future and look out for it. Thank you. And one last big thank you to Rebecca. Thank you.

Rachel. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you.

Oh, Bombay bad boy.

Big hairy bush. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101010101010

It's time. Goodbye everyone. Oh!


*laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* *laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* * laughing* *

Come here! I'll spill his guts like spaghetti bolognese. I'll spill his guts like spaghetti bolognese.

Good riddance.

Good riddance.