cover of episode 99. 完结特别篇:谢谢你,《9号秘事》(附主创中国见面会录音)

99. 完结特别篇:谢谢你,《9号秘事》(附主创中国见面会录音)

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Key Insights

What is the significance of the number 9 in 'Inside No. 9'?

The number 9 is a recurring motif in 'Inside No. 9,' with each episode featuring a connection to the number, such as room numbers, addresses, or other subtle references. Additionally, a hare (a wild rabbit) appears in every episode as a symbolic element, adding to the show's unique identity.

How did the creators of 'Inside No. 9' approach the final season?

The creators, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith, felt significant pressure to deliver a strong final season. They focused on creating six compelling episodes and ensured the finale referenced all previous 54 episodes, embedding callbacks in dialogue, visuals, and themes to provide a satisfying conclusion for fans.

What was the inspiration behind the episode 'The Trolley Problem'?

The episode 'The Trolley Problem' explores a psychological dilemma where a doctor seeks revenge for his daughter, who was emotionally manipulated by another character. The story revolves around the doctor forcing the manipulator to confess his sins, creating a moral and emotional conflict rather than a traditional utilitarian trolley problem scenario.

What are some of the unique storytelling techniques used in 'Inside No. 9'?

'Inside No. 9' is known for its innovative storytelling, including layered narratives, unexpected twists, and genre-blending. The show often plays with space and tension, such as in the iconic first episode 'Sardines,' which takes place entirely in a cramped closet, showcasing the creators' ability to craft compelling stories in confined settings.

How did the creators handle the pressure of ending the series after nine seasons?

Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith approached the final season by focusing on creating six strong episodes without overthinking the significance of it being the last season. They aimed to maintain the show's quality and ensure the finale referenced every previous episode, providing a cohesive and satisfying conclusion for long-time fans.

What was the reaction to the live episode 'Deadline'?

The live episode 'Deadline' was a bold experiment that left many viewers confused, with a quarter of the audience turning off their TVs, believing the show had genuinely gone wrong. However, this was intentional, as the episode was designed to blur the lines between reality and fiction, creating a unique and memorable viewing experience.

What are some of the recurring themes in 'Inside No. 9'?

The show often explores themes of identity, morality, and societal critique, wrapped in dark humor and suspense. Episodes frequently feature unexpected twists, layered narratives, and satirical commentary on issues like politics, class, and human behavior, making it a rich and thought-provoking series.

How did the creators incorporate fan service into the final episode?

The final episode of 'Inside No. 9' was packed with callbacks to previous episodes, including guest stars, props, and dialogue references. The creators ensured that every episode from the series was represented in some way, creating a nostalgic and celebratory experience for fans who had followed the show for nine seasons.

What challenges did the creators face in writing and filming 'Inside No. 9'?

Each episode of 'Inside No. 9' was filmed in just five days, requiring intense focus and efficiency. The creators often had to balance complex narratives, tight schedules, and the challenge of maintaining the show's signature twists and surprises, all while ensuring high production quality.

What future projects are the creators of 'Inside No. 9' working on?

Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith are currently writing a stage show for London's West End, set to run from January to April 2025. While it won't be an immersive production like 'Inside No. 9,' it will feature traditional theater elements and new stories, continuing their legacy of innovative storytelling.

  • 节目回顾了《九号秘事》的创作背景、风格特点和媒体评价
  • 分享了主创在中国粉丝见面会的精彩瞬间
  • 逐集点评了第九季的六个单元故事

Shownotes Transcript

可能本播客的文稿里是最后一次出现这段话了: Inside NO.9《9号秘事》是英国BBC出品的黑色喜剧,由“绅士联盟”成员史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿和里斯·谢尔史密斯自编自演。本剧每集分别讲述一个独立的怪诞故事,每次均与数字9有关,每集亦必定出现一只野兔(意象)。因剧情多有反转,本剧以“你永远不知道接下来会发生什么”著称。 本剧编剧兼主演里斯·谢尔史密斯和史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿自大学起成为好友,曾和吉瑞米·戴森、马克加蒂斯(《神探夏洛克》的编剧兼卷福哥)组建了“绅士联盟”喜剧小团体,并出演了《绅士联盟》系列英剧;后来二者自编自演了《疯城记》和《九号秘事》系列剧。三部剧相隔时间甚久,但风格、主体基本保持并继承下来,《9号秘事》可以说是集大成者。 《9号秘事》一共9季,前段时间全剧完结,两位主创还来中国上海参加了粉丝见面会。 本期节目会逐集聊第9季的6个单集,后面附上见面会的音频(根据@LocalSub-本地字幕组发布的视频进行剪辑)。 · 我们的听众群:公众号后台回复“killingtv” · 9号秘事/绅士联盟/疯城记粉丝群:公众号后台回复“9号” · 欢迎给我们来信,我们可能会在下期(第100期特别节目)回应

  • 话题成员 - 陆小鸟,又又,衣柜
  • 时间轴 - 01:20 我们是9号秘事里的谁? 01:48 ktv的群、小宇宙公告、最近什么剧好看? 03:20 与《9号秘事》结缘 04:33 最后一次介绍《9号秘事》 10:02 媒体如何评价《9号秘事》的结局 11:02 中国粉丝见面会的尖叫声 13:17 Steve和Reece谁更好笑? 15:04 沉默的大多数 Boo To A Goose 30:08 电车难题 The Trolley Problem 34:29 桑园里弄 Mulberry Close(莫伯里巷凶杀案)(柜) 44:23 任务管理器 CTRL, ALT, ESC 47:41 9号交响曲的诅咒 The Curse of the Ninth 53:09 缓步前行 步履维艰 Plodding On 71:27 第100期展望 ——Steve&Reece中国行的现场录音(精剪版)—— 73:03) Steve&Reece中国行的现场录音(精剪版) 74:05) Reece:没想到你们这么喜欢I nside NO.9 74:31) Steve:为不在场的人感到遗憾 75:43) 问题1:Steve,如果你真的拿到美国的工作,你会去吗? 78:22) 问题2:九季以来你们一直在演别人的故事,在最后一集突然演自己是什么感觉? 80:55) 问题3:这55集剧里,两位最喜欢的是哪一集? 85:20) 问题4:最后一季的创作会感觉压力更大吗? 88:35) 问题5:创作《9号秘事》,你们是先有的结尾倒推开头,还是从头开始写故事? 92:16) 问题6:两位有看过上海的《9号秘事》舞台剧了吗? 94:54) 问题7:未来《9号秘事》还会以其它形式回归吗? 97:09) 问题8:在第九季的创作中有没有难忘故事? 100:53) 问题9:这次中国行有什么有趣的经历吗? 102:44) 观众提问1:以后还会制作比如像万圣节那种特殊集吗? 104:33) 观众提问2:今天活动现场有没有激发Steve的灵感,构思出什么故事? 106:59) 观众提问3&4:明年伦敦西区的《9号秘事》线下话剧以后可能来中国吗?兔子可能出周边吗? 109:22) 观众提问5:你们扮演了这么多角色,最喜欢/最难忘的是哪个角色? 114:00) 观众提问6:第五季第8集的“播放事故”是怎么设计出来的? 118:17) 观众提问7&8(楼上):两位后续中国有没有其它城市的活动?以后会创作基于中国神话等故事的剧集吗? 123:14) Steve与Reace和观众告别
  • Music Credits - Inside No.9 - If You're Going to Cry BBC Inside No 9 Finale - Plodding On_ Party Film Montage (Time To Say Goodbye_Con Te Partiro)
  • references - 节目中提到的盘点每集call back的网站:

剪辑:陆小鸟,汤包 文稿:陆小鸟

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