cover of episode 95. 42人,网飞《三体》8集连刷后的第一观感

95. 42人,网飞《三体》8集连刷后的第一观感

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一位未看过任何三体作品的观众: Netflix版《三体》节奏标准,值得继续观看。 Rio (只读过小说): Netflix版《三体》除了特效,其他方面与原著小说相比没有特别之处。 一位先看过舞台剧再看小说的观众: 先看舞台剧《三体3》再看小说,觉得很好看,但小说第二部开头看不下去。 Say (看过小说和腾讯版电视剧): Netflix版《三体》比腾讯版更具情感,更动人。 Sale (看过小说、动画和腾讯版电视剧): Netflix版《三体》前几集模仿好莱坞风格,后几集魔改;腾讯版过于冗长,细节过多,冲淡了科幻感。Netflix版将三部曲主人公汇集于第一部,并加入了人物间的互动,更易于关注人物命运。 一位来自深圳的观众: Netflix版《三体》人物关系处理合理,并对原著设定进行了合理的视觉化发展。Netflix版对人物动机刻画细致,值得期待后续剧情发展,智子的出现时间提前。 一位资深三体粉丝: Netflix版《三体》人物塑造饱满,但对硬科幻部分有所简化。 一位二刷观众: Netflix版《三体》整体改编较大,但二刷后评分降低,认为视觉刺激和演员之间的火花不足。 衣柜: Netflix版《三体》改编合理,但容易让观众陷入粉丝视角。Netflix版《三体》中人物关系合理,叶文洁动机刻画清晰。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁和云天明的角色刻画比其他版本更成功,展现了叶文洁与伊文斯的感情合理性。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁的形象更贴合西方观众的刻板印象,但老年叶文洁形象过于扁平化。Netflix版《三体》中叶文洁与伊文斯关系合理,但更喜欢腾讯版中叶文洁的形象。 凯: Netflix版《三体》对人物感情线的处理方式值得期待,但庄严角色的出现方式成谜。Netflix版《三体》对叶文洁情感线的处理合理,更外化地展现了其内心冲突。Netflix版《三体》的情感戏比原著更舒适,期待庄严角色的后续表现。 其他观众: Netflix版《三体》比腾讯版更精简,剧情更连贯,弥补了腾讯版的一些不足。Netflix版《三体》将原著中的蝗虫改为知了,使其更具诗意。Netflix版《三体》拍摄地点和场景设置存在不一致,科学问题的讨论不如《For All Mankind》。Netflix版《三体》在保留原著故事的同时,弱化了作品的中国特色,使其更具全球化视野。Netflix版《三体》的配音和配乐出色,特别提到了Hans Zimmer的配乐。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the initial reactions of the 42 viewers who binge-watched Netflix's '3 Body Problem'?

The reactions varied widely. Some viewers, who were completely new to the 'Three-Body Problem' universe, found the show engaging and well-paced, while others, familiar with the novels and other adaptations, appreciated the emotional depth and character development but noted the show's deviations from the source material.

How did the Netflix adaptation handle the emotional aspects compared to the Tencent version?

The Netflix version was noted for its stronger emotional elements, particularly in character interactions and relationships, which were less pronounced in the Tencent adaptation. This added a layer of human drama that some viewers found moving and engaging.

What were the criticisms regarding the Netflix adaptation's handling of the original story?

Critics pointed out that the Netflix adaptation significantly condensed the story, omitting many details and subplots from the original novels. This led to a loss of depth in certain areas, such as the internal dynamics of the ETO organization and the philosophical underpinnings of the story.

How did the adaptation change the portrayal of key characters like Ye Wenjie?

Ye Wenjie's character was portrayed with more emotional depth and complexity in the Netflix version, showing her motivations and internal conflicts more clearly. This was a departure from the more stoic and detached portrayal in the Tencent version, which some viewers found more aligned with the original novel's depiction.

What were the viewers' opinions on the cultural adaptation of the story for a global audience?

Some viewers felt that the Netflix adaptation diluted the Chinese cultural elements of the story, making it more generic and less distinctive compared to the original. This globalization of the story was seen as a trade-off for broader international appeal, but it left some fans of the original novels wanting more cultural specificity.

Shownotes Transcript

3月23日,上海,有42人在早上11点相聚,一起连刷了8集《三体》Netflix版。他们既有无论小说、动画和腾讯剧都没有看过的一张白纸,也有包括《我的三体》和舞台剧在内所有相关作品都看过的人。本期节目是大家在刷完之后、尚未被网络声音干扰的直接观感。希望可以为观望中的听友提供参考。我们的《三体》节目未来还有1-2期,敬请期待。本次活动有3位主播参与:陆小鸟,衣柜(从北京特意赶来),kai——- Music Credits-Main Title  3 Body Problem  Official Soundtrack  NetflixLana Del Rey - Video Games-剪辑:陆小鸟文稿:陆小鸟- 收听 -在苹果Podcast、Spotify、小宇宙、网易云音乐、喜马拉雅 、豆瓣 等客户端搜索「英美剧漫游指南KillingTV」————The World is Better on TV————欢迎来爱发电给我们打赏,支持我们的制作出品:英美剧漫游指南KillingTV美剧、英剧、小语种剧重度爱好者们的播客。解决剧迷的终极问题:值得看吗?好看在哪?展开讲讲。微信、微博、豆瓣、小红书:英美剧漫游指南听众群:关注公众号并回复“killingTV”商务合作:加微信electric-bird,或发邮件到[email protected]