I mentioned on Twitter that to a significant extent, Circling taught me what “just be yourself” means to such an extent that I have a consistently good time on dates because I don’t feel like I need to perform. Somebody asked me to elaborate, so here's what I wrote in response:
For those who don’t know, Circling is… a practice that's infamously hard to try to describe or define. That's because it's structurally anti-structure and anti-expectation, which is what allows for “being yourself”.
(At least, that's my experience. There are different schools of it; my experience is from the Circling Europe style and may not apply to others.)
Many activities have rules: “soccer is played by two teams that…”. Circling mostly does not have rules, though it does have principles.
First published: December 16th, 2024
Source: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/KXZS7Ew9mZFeB8NoA/circling-as-practice-for-just-be-yourself)
Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO).