In this episode, Dr. Mikko Huotari joins us to discuss the evolving relationship between Europe and China. He highlights the multifaceted relationship between China and the European Union, noting that the EU has labeled China as both a strategic partner and a systemic rival. Dr. Huotari argues that while the coronavirus has been a driver of recent tensions in the Europe-China relationship, there has been a longer-term negative trend of worsening ties and a lack of progress on policy agendas between the EU and China. In particular, Dr. Huotari examines China’s human rights record and discusses its impact on relations with European countries. He also evaluates the evolution of European sentiment towards China and security issues regarding China, and assesses the prospect for greater transatlantic cooperation between the United States and Europe on China policy. Lastly, Dr. Huotari analyzes the impact of the US election on Europe-China ties, saying that productive transatlantic collaboration is more likely under a Biden Administration than a second Trump administration.
Dr. Mikko Huotari is the Executive Director of MERICS. His research focuses on China’s foreign policy, China-Europe relations, and global (economic) governance and competition. He has published on China’s rise as a financial power, trade and investment relations with Europe, and geopolitical shifts related to China's emergence as a global security actor.