cover of episode 《大凯故事实案录》敲头幽灵


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大凯故事会:悬疑 | 奇闻怪谈 | 鬼故事 | 恐怖故事

大凯:本期节目讲述了1997年发生在上海的"敲头幽灵"系列案件,以及2012年上海铁路警方破获的一起盗窃案中,犯罪嫌疑人真实身份为潜逃18年的命案逃犯牛抗斌的案件。1997年3月至4月,上海杨浦、宝山地区接连发生多起单身女性夜归途中遭袭击抢劫的案件,凶手手段残忍,造成社会恐慌。上海警方成立专案组,经过缜密侦查,最终抓获犯罪嫌疑人魏广秀,并将其绳之以法。魏广秀交代了其犯罪事实,并被判处死刑。 大凯:2012年,上海铁路警方破获一起盗窃案,其中一名嫌疑人魏裘身份不明,经调查发现其真实身份为潜逃18年的命案逃犯牛抗斌。牛抗斌曾于1995年在陕西韩城犯下命案,后潜逃至河南郑州,又犯下命案。2012年,牛抗斌在上海参与盗窃活动被抓获,其真实身份最终被揭露。牛抗斌交代了其犯罪事实,最终被绳之以法。这两个案件都体现了公安机关的侦破能力和对犯罪分子的严厉打击。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key characteristics of the 'Head-Hitting Ghost' suspect, Wei Guangxiu?

Wei Guangxiu, known as the 'Head-Hitting Ghost,' was a 26-year-old man from Anhui Province. He targeted middle-aged women, often choosing victims in secluded areas at night. He used blunt weapons like iron pipes or rods to strike victims from behind, causing severe head injuries. His motive was robbery, and he was known to move between districts using public transportation. He was described as around 1.7 meters tall, robust, and likely an outsider familiar with the local areas.

How did the police eventually capture Wei Guangxiu?

The police captured Wei Guangxiu after identifying his residence in Songnan Town, Huabang Er Village. A special task force conducted a surprise raid on his home, where they found incriminating evidence, including a necklace with a 'Mingyue' lock piece. Wei attempted to escape by jumping from the balcony but was apprehended. He was later convicted and executed for his crimes.

What was the impact of the 'Head-Hitting Ghost' crimes on Shanghai society?

The 'Head-Hitting Ghost' crimes caused widespread fear and panic in Shanghai. Women avoided going out alone at night, and families took extreme measures to protect their loved ones, such as husbands escorting wives and fathers accompanying daughters. Businesses, especially restaurants and entertainment venues, suffered significant losses due to decreased nighttime activity. The crimes severely disrupted social order and public safety.

What were the key details of the 1998 Zhengzhou murder case involving Niu Kangbin?

In 1998, Niu Kangbin, a fugitive from Hanchong, Shaanxi, was involved in a brutal murder in Zhengzhou. He and three accomplices randomly targeted a couple in a residential area, beating them to death with wooden sticks. The couple's young daughter witnessed the crime. Niu fled the scene and remained at large for 18 years until his capture in Shanghai in 2012, where he was living under the alias Wei Qiu.

How was Niu Kangbin finally identified and captured?

Niu Kangbin was identified through a bank account opened under his son's name. Shanghai police, collaborating with Shaanxi and Zhengzhou authorities, matched his alias, Wei Qiu, to his real identity. His capture was facilitated by his accomplices' testimonies and his unusual habits, such as preferring noodles over rice, which hinted at his northern origins. He was eventually arrested and confessed to his crimes.

  • 13起案件,12名受害者,2人死亡
  • 凶手选择夜间在偏僻地段作案,袭击单身女性,手段残忍
  • 作案工具推断为铁管或铁棒等

Shownotes Transcript
