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@大凯 :我播报了2000年发生在云南昆明的杨天勇特大杀人劫车案,该团伙犯下25起案件,造成19人死亡,手段极其残忍,他们冒充警察和军人作案,事后毁尸灭迹,最终7名主犯被判处死刑并执行枪决。该案的侦破源于警方对一部涉案手机的追踪。案犯杨天勇曾是铁路公安,因旷工被辞退。团伙成员作案时穿着警服,使用警械,作案后对受害人进行讯问并做笔录,之后杀害受害人,尸体被肢解煮熟喂猪狗。此案中,因错判而产生的杜培武冤案也得到了纠正。 大凯:我还讲述了2013年江苏淮安发生的吴子军被杀案。吴子军长期家暴妻子和子女,最终被妻子郑青和儿子吴飞联手杀害。吴子军长期家暴,其妻子和子女长期遭受其虐待,最终不堪忍受,选择将其杀害。此案中,吴子军的母亲和兄弟们认为吴子军死有余辜。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the total number of crimes committed by the Yang Tianyong gang?

The Yang Tianyong gang committed a total of 25 crimes, including 5 murders, 9 cases of murder and carjacking, and 9 cases of vehicle theft.

How many people were killed by the Yang Tianyong gang?

The Yang Tianyong gang killed 19 people, including 3 police officers, 3 neighborhood watch members, 1 active-duty soldier, and 2 women.

What was the fate of the main members of the Yang Tianyong gang?

On October 25, 2000, seven main members of the Yang Tianyong gang were sentenced to death, and on November 17, 2000, they were executed by firing squad.

What was the role of Zou Hongbin in the Yang Tianyong gang?

Zou Hongbin, a man in his 40s from Hunan, specialized in altering the license plates and serial numbers of the cars stolen by the Yang Tianyong gang.

What was the total amount of compensation demanded by the victims' families in the Yang Tianyong case?

The families of the 19 victims demanded a total of more than 8 million yuan in compensation, with the highest individual claim being 1.419 million yuan and the lowest being 99,900 yuan.

How was the Yang Tianyong gang finally apprehended?

The gang was apprehended after police traced a mobile phone that had been used by one of the gang members. This led to the arrest of Chai Guoli, Yang Tianyong, and Zhang Weihua on June 14, 2000.

What was the method used by the Yang Tianyong gang to dispose of their victims' bodies?

The gang disposed of their victims' bodies by dismembering, cooking, and feeding them to pigs and dogs at three farms they operated in Kunming.

What was the significance of the Wang Junbo and Wang Xiaoxiang case in the Yang Tianyong trial?

The Wang Junbo and Wang Xiaoxiang case was significant because both victims were police officers, one of whom was a deputy director of a county public security bureau. This case also led to the wrongful conviction of Du Peiwu, who was later exonerated after the Yang Tianyong gang was exposed.

What was the internal structure and rules of the Yang Tianyong gang?

The gang referred to themselves as a "company" and their criminal activities as "operations." They had strict rules, including a 20% deduction from total earnings for operational costs, and members had to seek permission to enter or leave the company. Unauthorized entry or exit resulted in a 1,000 yuan fine.

What was the final outcome of the Wu Zijun case?

Wu Zijun was killed by his wife Zheng Qing and son Wu Fei in 2011. They buried his body in their yard. Both were later sentenced to prison, with Wu Fei receiving a seven-year sentence and Zheng Qing a three-year sentence.

  • 2000年昆明特大杀人劫车案
  • 杨天勇等8名主犯
  • 19人死亡
  • 手机定位侦破
  • 残忍的犯罪手段

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