I will break down some key pieces to consider when thinking about your price point for your service or services as an agency or as a freelancer.
In my humble opinion pricing needs to be determined by 3 things and those three things are as follows.
Customer avatar , what type of client are you targeting , what is the lead cost or what are the cost per click generally. Is you primary customer avatar a gym owner is it a dentist perhaps roofers this will give you a cost per click value to customer.
What is your time worth , what is your skill set. What is your knowledge this will give you a fair idea of a hourly wage.
How much time does it take to perform a task , this needs to be determined beforehand every single minor detail from start to finish including email time. Every second of every task.
Once you know your client avatar , and you know your worth (hourly) and you know how long tasks take then you can go into the marketplace and become competitive.
But never under value your time or skill set. Do not race to the bottom , decide your value and customer value and stick with it.
Do not give SEO a bad name be honorable and respectable and the monetary gain will come.
Put the client first but be sure you are compensated for all of your time (all of it).
From the web, for SEO service pricing and what to charge for SEO.
So a quick glance shows us the following an average SEO expert or 1-3 year experience SEO expert charges between 50 and 150 per hour.
However the average monthly retainer is somewhere between 500 to 1500 per month.
Performance-based SEO is most times free or low tier cost to begin , and has dynamic ever changing pricing.