So we all know how important links are in 2020 , however I feel that search engine optimization is not only about creating backlinks.
But it is always a very good idea for and SEO campaign to get some links AKA site votes for there site from other authority entities in there niche.
But I get the question all the time is do follow the only type of link we need to be getting in 2020?
And the answer is no you need all types of backlinks to have a full backlink profile and never forget the link is only about twenty percent of an entire campaign.
Anchor text is yet another very important ranking factor that can never be taken lightly.
And what about topical relevance in 2020-2021 does a topical relevant backlink matter for passing power or boosting page rank if this was still a visible metric to measure ?
So the question comes up quite frequently are .gov or .edu backlinks high quality or our these links considered authority or topical relevant to any niche or website.