Many online marketers measure their success in terms of how many leads they generate. Low-quality leads are people who aren't interested in your product or brand. Every "weak" lead you spend time on is wasted time you could have spent on a high-quality lead. The type of content you choose can have a drastic impact on the people who eventually choose to convert.
For example, if you write about basic, general topics in your industry, you'll tend to attract leads who are nearly unfamiliar with your type of company and industry best practices. Turn your main site of conversion into a "prospective lead" generator. When you get someone to fill out your form, subscribe them to an ongoing email campaign.
With each email, your pool of prospective leads will grow warmer toward your brand and unsubscribe uninterested parties. What looks like a low(er) lead today, maybe a very hot lead 6, 12, and 24 months from now. If your conversion funnel was too demanding, you may have missed them altogether.
More info about how to improve the quality of your online leads:
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