In this post, we look at the factors in search personalization and how to do SEO in light of personalized search results. There are five main modes of personalization, each present in modern search but increasing in sophistication. Apps and bookmarks you use on your device can influence the types of results you see.
This level of personalization may increase in intensity as search engines have more information to work with. User retention can translate to positive ranking signals, and you'll appear in more searches among your frequenters. Instead, you have to work around this personalization trend by making your company (and website) more appropriate and specific to your audience.
Make your local presence known, to a hyper-specific degree. These strategies are somewhat general, but these personalization trends are hard to pinpoint with the precision of older strategies like keyword-based optimization. Return to your target niche and re-optimize. Keep giving your users what they want; be straightforward and accurate with your onsite company descriptions.
More info about personalized search: how to optimize for search personalization:
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