For internet marketing, there are many things to look at in order to make your website function optimally. One of the various components that a good internet marketer must view is the health of their backlinks. Backlinks are links from other websites that point towards your website. Backlinks ensure that another site is sharing information about your website and ideally for an internet marketer, these backlinks should be relevant to what you write about, so it is a good idea to build a revolving link wheel.
An example could be something like installing a Wikipedia article on 100 different domains and then linking each article back to the first. This way, when one of these articles gets a link from Wikipedia, it will show up as a link from multiple domains in Google's index. This makes it appear more natural in the eyes of Google, and the benefits are multiplied when the page has hundreds or thousands of links pointing to it.
Where most websites focus on building individual inbound links, this technique looks at a group of related websites that work together by sharing content and social signals to assist each other in ranking well in search engines.
More info about link wheel: how link wheels work for SEO in 2021. : )
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