The Landing Page Conversion Increase service targets the top 20% of your landing pages with tests, to make sure they are producing the best results possible. It is also a simple landing page design, using copy and graphics that simply and clearly explain what this program does and how it will help the viewer. A landing page can greatly impact your online success. Landing pages are the perfect battleground—they are designed to get users to convert, but they are also under-utilized and often do not contain all of the information needed to get users to take action. Since every business is different, conversion rate optimization landing page design starts with qualitative research into your business.
A conversion increase is a change in the rate of successful landing page conversions. When you're tracking conversion rates, a conversion increase automatically applies a positive multiplier to your monthly total--the higher the percentage increase, the higher your monthly total. You can also use a conversion increase to make a previously unsuccessful ad group lead to actual conversion. This is very likely if one of the components in your broad match keyword phrase matches a phrase in any text on your landing page.
Landing page conversion increase is the result of a survey that works on a variety of factors, from content to lead generation choices. In order to achieve a higher conversion on landing pages, it's important to keep the page clean and simple while conveying a clear message on why people should sign up for your service or purchase your product.
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