A link wheel is an arrangement of websites and links designed to increase the visibility of certain keywords within search engines. SEO link wheels are different than other spam practices such as keyword spamming, as they can actually have a positive long-term effect on rankings.
Link wheels, or link wheels, are one of the most effective black hat off-site SEO tactics that exist. They also are one of the most misused and abused techniques in all of SEO. A link wheel is a set of sites that point to a hub site (this site). That hub site then has a backlink pointing to each site within the wheel.
The idea behind a link wheel is that it takes advantage of PageRank as an almighty authority-boosting tool. Rather than earning thousands of links to your site over time (or even hundreds), you can just set up a few pages earning hundreds or thousands
The Link Wheel, also known as the inbound link wheel or reciprocal link wheel, is a way of creating a web directory using reciprocal links to increase the presence of pages on the web. Inbound links are displayed in search engine result pages (SERP) which increases web traffic and page ranking. A link wheel typically has the aim of drawing organic traffic to any website.
This podcast post will give knowledge and more information. This can help you in any way.
More on link wheels for SEO: https://seo.co/link-wheel/)
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