Marketing is hard. Differentiating oneself from a growing sea of similar companies is not impossible but it is very difficult. The competitors do not just evolve, they explode into new markets. A big issue is that many small businesses fail to expand their products and services.
If you are in a business that does not evolve, it will either die or get bought over by a competitor who does. Here I will discuss 3 ways to maximize long-term customer value in an online business.
There are many ways to maximize customer lifetime value in an online business and some of these methods will work for any type of online business. There are also many ways to destroy customer lifetime value and this can happen easily if you are not aware of your customers' thoughts and actions.
Maximizing customer lifetime value) is the holy grail for online retailers. This document covers how to maximize customer lifetime value in an online business.
It outlines a ten-step approach along with useful tools and examples to help you identify opportunities to improve customer lifetime value, and detail how to best act on this.
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