The digital marketing sales funnel is a simplified version of the traditional sales funnel. Instead of focusing on converting customers via multiple channels, this funnel mainly focuses on optimizing online marketing channels. By removing friction in the process, your business will have a better chance at making an impact and gaining new customers.
Once your potential customer understands the problem of their business and is aware of your solution they will enter the digital marketing sales funnel) . This is where they enter a series of funnels that helps determine whether or not your product or service meets their needs and wants. There are many steps in this process and every interaction you have with your consumers can either help them move down the funnel or bounce out of it. The ultimate goal is to get them to buy from you by closing the deal at the bottom of the funnel.
Digital marketing is still a new and sometimes confusing space for many businesses. To simplify the process, one company had to come up with a way to illustrate each step of their sales funnel from top to bottom, which resulted in the popular Digital Marketing Sales Funnel infographic. Illustrating each step of the process helped draw attention to different areas of their offering and how customers could work with them.
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