Jarrett Crawford is the founder of Crawl TV a Youtube channel teaching people how to work on their Jeeps, along with showing off amazing trails across the US. He has never owned a 2wd automobile until just recently when be bought a Prius (but I promised I wouldn’t bring that up). We’re excited to have him back in his home state of California and for the restart of the Crawl TV channel. We're ready for the action!
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SnailShop Talk is brought to you by all of our peeps over at patreon.com! Make sure to stop by and see all of the great perks you get for supporting SnailTrail4x4! Discount Codes, Monthly Give-Aways, Gift Boxes, and the SnailTrail4x4 Community!
Everyone, please welcome one of the most outstanding companies we have had the pleasure to work with, BestLine Racing. Sure, they have an awesome product line, but what really makes them shine is their shared passion for cars and performance. Use discount code "SNAILTRAIL" during checkout and receive 15% off every purchase on engine treatment additives, fuel treatment additives, ceramic coatings, squeak lubricants, and more awesome stuff for your rigs!
May's giveaway is with GearWrench Tools! And it will include a Wing Light with Under Hood Rack, a Magnetic Fender Cover, and a BlueTooth Speaker. Make sure to head to the SnailTrail4x4 Patreon and sign up by April 30th if you want to be included in our Patreon Give Away!
Show Notes:
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Intro and Outro Music:
Hyde - Pendulum Inspired