You know that old saying—I think it was Ben Franklin again—that guests, like fish, begin to stank after three days? I feel like that’s being pretty generous, actually, I’ve thought about buying one of those party banners that says PLEASE LEAVE BY 9 PM. And that’s if the guests are INVITED. What happens when they’re not? Imagine having your home taken over by people who just decide they live there now, and they’re not going anywhere. That this is THEIR home now, no matter what they have to do to keep it. Join us for the story of Jess Sacco, a young woman who met her dream guy online--or so she thought. When he moved into her place, she thought their fairy tale life together was just beginning. Instead, Dream Guy moved a posse of his friends into her house without asking her, and as the weeks passed, the atmosphere got more and more hostile...and more and more dangerous. Sources:Investigation Discovery, "Web of Lies," S2, E4Columbus Dispatch: Dispatch: News: