Patricia Highsmith’s novel The Talented Mr. Ripley follows a young man named Tom, whose deep-seated jealousy and ambition leads him down a very dark path. He wants the jet-set lifestyle his trust-fund friends are living, and he sets out to get it using his intelligence and skill at deception. Tom Ripley is a pretty realistic depiction of a psychopath. To get close to the wealthy people he envies, he puts on a convincing mask of helpful friendliness. But underneath, he’s scheming with every breath—biding his time. And no one is safe around him. Join us for the story of a real-life Mr. Ripley, a man who was good at being charming, but bad at being good. A man who left one person dead, one heartbroken and defrauded, and a pretty little town in shock. Join us for the true story behind the BBC drama The Sixth Commandment--the tale of an aspiring vicar whose pious exterior hid a heart of darkness. ****Download the game "June's Journey" on Apple iOS:"June's Journey" on Android: Plot to Kill by David WilsonITV News: Beast, Nico Hines: Herald, Sam Dean: Daily Mail, Rory Tingle and Josh White: us, campers!Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): True Crime CampfireInstagram: @TCCampfire [email protected]!