We all have paranoid moments sometimes. We catch our significant other looking at us funny and we wonder, “Uh oh, is he mad at me? What did I say?” Or we walk into the break room and a huddle of coworkers suddenly stops talking—and we think “Oh my God, they were talking about ME. I must be about to be fired!” We all do it, and more often than not we’re wrong. Usually, the consequence of that is nothing more serious than feeling like a doofus for a second. But paranoia was the most dangerous force on earth for the major players in the story we’re about to tell you. It began as the thinnest tendril of a whisper. But soon that tendril branched out, black and cold as a strangling vine, and a whole circle of people would fall victim to its lies. Sources:Investigation Discovery's "Murder in Paradise," Episode "Spies, Lies, and Alibis"https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-aug-21-me-torture21-story.html)https://www.devicewatch.org/reports/rife/pretrial_memo.shtml)https://www.casewatch.net/doj/bailey/trial_memo.pdf?_ga=2.48969062.1959969553.1582257756-2053706941.1582257756)http://www.doenetwork.org/cases/4041dmca.html)Follow us, campers!Patreon (join to get all episodes a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire)Facebook: True Crime CampfireInstagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079)Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire)Email: [email protected])