**In the late summer of 1991, the tranquil little town of Barrington, Rhode Island was stunned by the disappearance of an entire family: Ernie and Alice Brendel and their 8 year old daughter Emily. As the story unfolded, it just got weirder and weirder. Mafia hit squads, bizarre murder weapons, a mysterious figure called “The Lynx?” And the town was left to unravel a mystery that was truly stranger than fiction: A tale of greed, arrogance, and elaborate deception. Join us for Part 1--and Part 2 next week!*****Sources:Death of an Angel: A True Story of a Vicious Triple Murder That Broke the Heart of a Town, by Don DavisCourt papers: https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/state-v-hightower-895304220*The Providence Journal: https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/2021/01/26/rhode-island-murderer-christopher-hightower-killed-brendel-ernest-alice-emily/4264836001/****LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-11-10-mn-1885-story.html****British true crime series "World's Most Evil Killers," episode "Christopher Hightower"******Follow us, campers!Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfireFacebook: True Crime CampfireInstagram: https://gramha.net/profile/truecrimecampfire/19093397079Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfireEmail: [email protected]! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com/