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ADHD In The Classroom - ADHD In Class - Manage ADHD In Class
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Since ADHD is most common in children aged 5-12, elementary school teachers at times find it difficult to deal with ADHD in the classroom. However, with tips and strategies being constantly created to curb ADHD in the classroom, teachers are now discovering easier and more effective ways to handle the children with ADHD. Listed here are some very handy tips on reducing the effects of ADHD in the classroom.
Understand the problem
Since ADHD is a common and well-recognized mental disorder, it is important for the teachers to educate themselves about it. Without proper knowledge it becomes very difficult for the teachers to understand the needs of the children and even their behavioral patterns. Therefore if you are a teacher who is about to enter elementary teaching, it would be very advisable for you to read about on ADHD. Since a large percentage of the children are affected by the condition, it is highly possible that at least one or two students in the class will have ADHD.
ADHD In The Classroom - ADHD In Class - Manage ADHD In Class
Working with parents
Parental involvement goes a long way in easing the effects of ADHD in the classroom. As a result, parents and teachers must work together. Teachers must discuss the teaching strategies with the parents so that they can be carried on at home too. Since children with ADHD find it difficult to concentrate, special modes of teaching should be followed. It is very important to follow a particular method for a particular child because children with ADHD usually have learning problems and too many methods can confuse them.
Tips to deal with ADHD in the classroom
Hyperactivity is a very common condition associated with ADHD. The children are constantly out of their places and find it difficult to finish their work because of this. To curb this problem, the teacher may introduce the rewards-penalty strategy. What you as a teacher can do is tell the child that if they sit in their place for a specific amount of time, say 5 minutes, without getting up, they will get a reward. Get a small alarm clock to help with this activity. However if the child leaves the place before the time, they are penalized.
To deal with impulsiveness, ask the children to think for 10 seconds before responding.
Children with ADHD often speak without thinking and a 10 second gap will force them to think.
Dealing with ADHD in the classroom isn't as difficult as some may believe. If the teacher plans ahead and works closely with the parents, the problem can surely be curbed. The teachers need to be very patient, approachable and kind.
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ADHD In The Classroom - ADHD In Class - Manage ADHD In Class