cover of episode Deus Ex Machina: A Man, Machines, and God

Deus Ex Machina: A Man, Machines, and God

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Steve Hsu
Steve Hsu: 我对体育的热爱一部分源于我的家庭背景。我的母系家族是军人世家,而父系家族在古代科举考试中也包含体能测试。这多方面因素塑造了我对体育的兴趣。 我父亲通过在文化大革命期间从中国亲戚那里收到的信件,亲身经历了这场运动的残酷,这让我对西方左派对中国的浪漫化描述感到非常反感。许多所谓的专家对事实的理解存在严重偏差,因此在许多领域,“专家意见”往往是不可靠的。 我同意查理·芒格的观点,即吸引顶尖人才进入金融领域并非对社会有利,因为金融领域在很大程度上是一个零和博弈的“赌场”。 由于政治因素,西方国家在收集用于预测认知能力的基因组数据方面进展缓慢,甚至受到阻碍。这阻碍了相关科学研究的进展。 从物理学的角度来看,自由意志的概念难以成立,因为宇宙的运行可能是决定性的,即使存在量子力学的随机性,也不足以解释自由意志。 我既拥有深厚的宗教情感,也持有物理学家的理性视角,认为宗教体验可能是人类的一种错觉。 我认为自己的快乐很大程度上是天生的,并强调了家庭和人际关系的重要性。很多成就最终都只是虚荣。 Bohan Liu: 作为在中国长大并在美国接受教育的华裔,我对中美关系、文化差异和社会价值观有独特的见解。我与Steve Hsu的讨论涵盖了广泛的主题,包括中美竞争、基因组学、自由意志和宗教等。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This is a crossover episode in which interviews me for his podcast Deus Ex Machina.

I was obviously in an exuberant mood for this interview - it's one of my favorites!

Deus Ex Machina podcast:…


  • (00:00) - Growing up in Iowa. Athletics, Chinese culture. KMT and military family background.

  • (11:48) - Hearing about the Cultural Revolution from my dad: his family experienced it firsthand in Zhejiang. Meanwhile, US experts and academics were entirely deluded about reality in PRC

  • (20:55) - "Experts" are often miscalibrated

  • (35:03) - Physicists and finance. Was Charlie Munger right to say it's a waste of talent to channel top brains into finance?

  • (45:15) - Hedgehogs, Foxes, and Eagles. Polymathy.

  • (48:41) - Development of modern China as the greatest story of the last 50 years. My first visit to China: the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in 1992. US-China competition and the future of Asian Americans.

  • (56:52) - Genomic Prediction. Genomics of cognitive ability. Leftists holding back genetic science. PING = NIH-funded Pediatric Imagining, Neurocognition, and Genetics study. Stephen J. Gould was a fraud. Asian culture (pragmatic realism) and resistance to woken...

  • (01:05:20) - Physics and Free Will. Meat machines programmed by evolution to have an illusion of self?

  • (01:10:04) - Copenhagen Interpretation of QM: Is there true randomness in Physics? Many Worlds, Foundations of QM, and groupthink in modern physics.

  • (01:19:09) - Christianity, raised as a Methodist by my mother, whose family has been Christian since the 19th century. Religious Experience vs Physics viewpoint. Meat machines programmed by evolution to have mystical religious feelings?

  • (01:21:28) - Raising children, family, happiness, the meaning of life in view of my father's life

  • (01:24:34) - The meaning of life, "All is Vanity" (Ecclesiastes), Religion

Music used with permission from Blade Runner Blues Livestream improvisation by State Azure.

Steve Hsu is Professor of Theoretical Physics and of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering at Michigan State University. Previously, he was Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation at MSU and Director of the Institute of Theoretical Science at the University of Oregon. Hsu is a startup founder (, SafeWeb, Genomic Prediction, Othram) and advisor to venture capital and other investment firms. He was educated at Caltech and Berkeley, was a Harvard Junior Fellow, and has held faculty positions at Yale, the University of Oregon, and MSU. Please send any questions or suggestions to [email protected] or Steve on X @hsu_steve.