Welcome to episode 20 of FireDEV, a fireside chat with the most interesting people in the industry. Today my guest is Vlad-Stefan Gheorghe, the scrum master for Candy Crush Jelly Saga talks about the ins and outs of working at King, Electronic Arts & Amber.
Book recommendations
Made to Stick/ Switch by Chip & Dan Heath
Influence, phychology of persuasion by PHD Robert Ciadini
Never split the difference by Chris Voss
User Story mapping by Jeff Patton
Turn the Ship around by David Marquet
Where are good ideas come from by Steven Johnson
The 5 dysfunctions of a team + The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni
Escaping the build trap by Melissa perri
Golden Circle/The infinite game by Simon Sinek
The art of action by Stephen Bungay