Cordell & Cordell Executive/Managing Partner, CEO Scott Trout and Nebraska Litigation Attorney Christopher Johnson discuss the importance of informing your family law attorney any bad facts that may be used against you in a divorce or child custody case.
Mr. Trout and Mr. Johnson emphasize the vitality of transparency and how attorneys) can use these facts, in order to help their clients, so long as they know about them ahead of time.
Cordell & Cordell continues to produce monthly virtual town halls) and frequent podcasts), answering your questions and addressing your concerns about how the virus is impacting family law.
Click the link above to listen to the full episode. Also make sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes) or whichever podcast app) you prefer.
The post Why It Is Important to Tell Your Divorce Attorney Bad Facts – Men’s Divorce Podcast) first appeared on Cordell & Cordell).